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没节操有情操英语影评MP3 第32期:晚秋

编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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《晚秋》根据李满熙导演1966年的同名电影改编而成,影片以美国西雅图为背景,讲述两名男女在异国他乡的爱情故事。[1] 本在监狱服刑的安娜(汤唯 Wei Tang 饰)因母亲过世获得三天假期,入狱七年来首次踏上归家之路,并于长途汽车上邂逅了勋(玄彬 Bin Hyeon 饰)。不够车钱的勋用手表做抵押借了安娜的钱,约定到西雅图再见。一个是弑夫假释的女犯,一个是专门“吃软饭”的情场骗子,两个互相隐瞒了身份的陌生人就这样在邂逅中渐生情愫,在短短三天内谈了一场浪漫恋爱。


Korean movie 'Late Autumn' is very likely a record breaker. Three days after its release in mainland theatres, the film has raked in 28 million yuan in ticket sales, trailing behind the previous record holder 'Sector 7' which took some 30 million yuan from Chinese viewers.

The success of this exotic chick flick is not surprising, as it stars popular Korean actor Hyun Bin and Chinese actress Tang Wei. This combination alone is enough to draw swarms of viewers who are always ready toembrace their artistic side.

'Late Autumn' is the second remake of the 1966 classic Korean film of the same title. It depicts a romantic encounter between a female convict on parole and a male gigolo. To distinguish the film from previous editions, director Kim Tae-yong changed the movie's setting to the foggy city of Seattle, USA; representing the only virtue within a film which is otherwise a disaster。

To fit in with the American setting, the two leading characters, both Asian, are forced to speak a foreignlanguage for the majority of the time. Their accented English highlights the pair's identities as social outcasts, both of whom lead a marginal existence in a strange world, providing fertile soil for the ensuingcompassion, romance and love.

Another benefit of the setting is related to the actress Tang Wei. Rumor has it that since her over-exposal in Ang Lee's 2007 espionage thriller 'Lust, Caution,' she has been living the life of an exile. Regardless of its authenticity, the rumor has gained Tang Wei more popularity than she could have owned with her discouraging acting style. Based on her performance in 'Lust, Caution' and 'Late Autumn,' I think I can safely assume that she is utterly incapable of changing her facial expression in different circumstances. However, this numb but pretty face probably satisfies the Western perception of the quiet and mysterious Asian female. Moving the setting to Seattle gives Tang Wei the opportunity to maximize her so-called 'advantage.'

But it's bad news for the director who bases the bulk of the storyline on the psychological progress of the lead actress. A poker face may have been helpful in portraying a woman who has spent seven years behind bars, but seeing Tang wear the same mask as she experiences emotional ups and downs over the course of tw hours is sure to cause some viewers to lose interest.

With the storyline spoiled as a result, viewers have to put up a real struggle before acknowledging the romance that exists between the two characters. You'll try hard to make sense of it all, but even the most foolhardy of movie goers won't be emotionally prepared to witness the prolonged kiss near the end. And fromwhere I was standing, it seems as if the kissing couple wasn't ready for it either.

Regardless of its failings, I've only been able to give you a glimpse at this incredible, record-setting Korean movie. But I'm sure the record will be easily broken again, as long as the right actors are put together with the right storyline. On a scale from one to ten, I give 'Late Autumn' a four.

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重点单词   查看全部解释    
emotional [i'məuʃənl]


adj. 感情的,情绪的

classic ['klæsik]


n. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家

exotic [eg'zɔtik]


adj. 异国的,外来的,奇异的,脱衣舞的

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

marginal ['mɑ:dʒinəl]


adj. 边际的,末端的,仅以微弱多数获胜的,微小的

bin [bin]


n. 箱柜,[计] DOS文件名, 二进制目标文件

incapable [in'keipəbl]


adj. 无能力的,不胜任的

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

majority [mə'dʒɔriti]


n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本





