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Kevin: So I suppose she's carrying a copy of a book with a flower in it? Not really? She could be a real dog, man. 所以她要拿着一本书上面插一朵花喽! 真的吗,她可能很难看。
Joe: I'm only staying 10 minutes. Im gonna say hello, have a cup of coffee and then I'll split. Thats what Im going to do. Hope she doesn't have a squeaky voice like the mice in Cinderella. Why am I even doing this? Why am I compelled to even meet her? 我只待十分钟,打个招呼、喝杯咖啡我就离开,我就这样做。我希望她的声音不会像灰姑娘里面的老鼠那么尖。我为什么要这样做?我为什么要见她?
Kevin: Relax. You're taking it to the next level. I always do that. I always take a relationship to the next level. If that works out, I take it to the next level after that. Till I finally reach that level where it becomes absolutely necessary...for me to leave. 放轻松一点。你只想更进一步。我常这样做,让男女关系更进一步。如果成功,再进下一步,直到到了一种我非要离开的程度。
Joe: Im not going to stay that long anyway. I already said that, didn't I? 我不会在那里待太久,我说过这句话了,对吧?
Kevin: Yes, you did. 是的,你说了。
OK. Cafe Lalo. This is it. Eight o'clock. We got here fast, didn't we? Kevin...this woman is the most adorable creature Ive ever been in contact with. If she turns out even to be as good-looking as a mailbox...I'd be crazy not to turn my life upside down and marry her. 拉罗咖啡馆,我们到了。八点钟,我们来的太早,对吧。凯文,哪怕她长的只比邮筒好看点儿我都会不择手段跟她结婚。
Kevin: She could be a real dog. But good luck. 她也可能很丑,祝你好运。
Joe: Would you go and look for me? Just go and look through the window and check her out. Please? 你进去帮我看看。过去通过窗户看看她。
Kevin: You're pathetic, man. 你个可怜的家伙。
Joe: I know. 我知道。
Kevin: All right. I'll see what I see. 好,我看看。我去看看。
Joe: You see her? 看到了吗?
Kevin: Wait, yeah. I see a very beautiful girl. She's fine. 等等,是的。我看到了一个非常漂亮的女孩。她很好。
Joe: I knew it. 我就知道。
Kevin: She's gorgeous. 她美呆了。
Joe: I knew she would be. 我就知道。
Kevin: But no book. All right. Okay, wait. Wait a minute. There's a book with a flower. So this got to be her. 但是没有书。好吧。好吧,等一下…我看到一本书和一朵花。一定是她!
Joe: What does she look like? 她什么样儿?
Kevin: Can't see. Waiter's blocking. 看不见。侍者挡住了。
Joe: Damn it! 真是!
Kevin: He's moving. 走了走了。
Joe: Can you see her? Can you see her? 你能看见她吗?能看见她吗?
Kevin: Yeah. 是的。
Joe: And? 然后?
Kevin: She's very pretty. 她很漂亮。很漂亮。
Joe: She is! I knew she would be! She had to be! She had to be!我就知道! 她必须漂亮,必须漂亮。
Kevin: You know what? She look--I mean, she almost has the same coloring as...that Kathleen Kelly person. 你知道吗?她看上去,我的意思是,她和那个Kathleen Kelly几乎长的一样。
Joe: Kathleen Kelly of the bookstore? 书店的那个Kathleen Kelly
Kevin: Why not? You said you thought she was attractive. 怎么不能是她?你说你觉得她挺迷人的。
Joe: Absolutely yes. Why not? Who cares about Kathleen Kelly? 当然。可是,这和Kathleen Kelly有什么关系?
Kevin: Well, if you don't like Kathleen Kelly...I can tell you right arent going to like this girl. 如果你不喜欢凯萨琳,那你一定不会喜欢她。
Why not? 为什么不会?
Kevin: Because it is Kathleen Kelly. So what are you going to do? 因为她就是凯萨琳。你准备怎么办?
Joe: Nothing. 什么都不做。
Kevin: You're going to let her wait all night? 不会吧,让她在那边等?
Joe: That's exactly what I'm going to do. Good night Kevin. I'll see you in the morning. 是的,我正准备这么做。凯文,明早见。

Kevin打趣说Joe竟然要见网友,对方可能是a real dog,让他兴趣全无。这里a real dog意思是“邋遢、丑陋的人”。
不过,通过信件往来,Joe真心的喜欢上这个网友,表示只要她长得不比邮筒难看,他就会turn his life upside down and marry her. Turn ones life upside down表示“让某人生活发生巨大的变化”。一直游戏人间,也会为了对方结婚,安定下来。
当朋友告诉她对方很漂亮的时候,他欣喜若狂,可随后得知,she has the same coloring as Kathleen Kelly, 这里,coloring相当于appearance “外貌;外表”。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

mailbox ['meilbɔks]


n. 邮筒,邮箱

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的


关键字: 口语 时尚 影音




