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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Thank you, thank you for coming.
  • 谢谢 感谢前来
  • Galena and I would like to thank America...
  • 葛莲娜和我要感谢美国
  • for this glorious opportunity.
  • 给我们这次光荣的机会
  • I have met people of every race, color and creed during this long campaign.
  • 在这次漫长的选举战中我见到了不同种族 肤色 信仰的人们
  • I pledge to you that my White House will be a rainbow house.
  • 我向你们保证 我领导的白宫 将会是一座彩虹之家
  • It'll be open to people of all colors and creeds.
  • 它永远会向各种肤色和信仰的人们敞开
  • Now, please, go and vote. We need your support.
  • 现在请去投票吧 我们需要你们的支持
  • That was great. I'm gonna go do press.
  • 很好 我要去应付媒体了
  • Great. Greenleaf! Greenleaf!
  • 好的 格林利夫 格林利夫
  • Gallup has you down by a point.
  • 盖洛普显示你下降了一个百分点
  • CNN, USA Today, has us up by two. News has us down by sixty.
  • CNN、今日美国说我们上升了两个百分点 而福克斯新闻网说我们下降了六十个百分点
  • What message are you trying to get out to the undecideds today?
  • 你对于现在这种 胜负未定的局面有何评价
  • The same message we put out yesterday, last week and last year...
  • 我的意见依然相同 不管是昨天 上周 还是在去年开展选战的时候
  • when we started this campaign and that's why we're going to win.
  • 那也是我们获胜的原因
  • Because we have the answers. Not platitudes and jingoistic rhetoric.
  • 我们胸有成竹 这不是些陈词滥调和无谓浮夸
  • This is the truth train operation real deal.
  • 而是名副其实的事实
  • In recent days, the president has aired ads claiming Greenleaf has vacationed at a nudist colony.
  • 近来 总统声称 格林利夫去天体营度假
  • Come on, now, that's a tired accusation. It's pure fiction.
  • 算了吧 那只是些莫须有的罪名
  • Then, how do you answer for the photos? - Right wing blogo-smear, that's how.
  • 那么 你怎么解释那些照片呢?那只是右翼分子的博客涂鸦
  • Look,I could stand here and perpetuate the rumor that as a young man...
  • 我大可以站在这里继续传播谣言
  • the president had a gambling addiction, but I'm got going to sink to their level.
  • 说总统年轻时是个赌徒 但我不会沦为他们一样的乌合之众
  • Despite eye witness accounts and documentation.
  • 毫无根据 只知道信口开河
  • They sling mud, we sling ideas.
  • 他们散布谣言 我们散布理想
  • Still, if Greenleaf loses, you'll be 0 for 7 on the national scene.
  • 还有 如果格林利夫失败了 你们就是七连败了
  • Thank you, Betty. Sorry, folks, that's all I have time for.
  • 贝蒂 谢谢 对不起 到此为止吧
  • Leeches!
  • 吸血鬼
  • Why it's important to vote.
  • 为什么投票就那么重要呢?
  • Many brave soldiers sacrificed themselves.
  • 许多勇敢的战士牺牲了自己
  • A right we take for granted.
  • 这是我们应得的权利
  • For the people. - By the people.
  • 为了人民 通过人民
  • We the people!
  • 我们人民
  • I can't read my writing.
  • 我看不清我的字了
  • All the world's great civilizations have followed the same path.
  • 世界上所有伟大的文明都遵循着同一个规律
  • From bondage, to liberty, from liberty to abundance...
  • 从束缚到自由 从自由到富裕
  • from abundance to complacency. From complacency to apathy...
  • 从富裕到满足 从满足到冷漠
  • from apathy back to bondage.
  • 从冷漠又回到了束缚
  • If we're to be the exception to history, then we must break the cycle.
  • 要想改变历史我们必须打破这个循环
  • For those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
  • 为了那些已经忘记 历史会重演的人们
  • Very good, everybody. Very good.
  • 很棒 你们都很棒
  • Hold this. Okay, remember, no running till you get out to the playground.
  • 拿着这个 好的 记住走廊上不许奔跑打闹
  • Your last one was great. I'd like to use it on the news. Molly? - Yes. Molly, come here.
  • 最后一个很棒 我想用在新闻里 莫莉的吗? 是的 莫莉 过来
  • Molly,This is Ms. Madison.She's the reporter from the news. Hi, Molly. - Hi.
  • 莫莉 这是麦迪逊女士 她是新闻记者 你好 莫莉 你好
  • How you doing? - Good. Your essay was very thoughtful.
  • 还好吗? 很好 你的文章很有深度
  • Thanks. Ms. Madison is going to show your essay tonight.
  • 谢谢 麦迪逊女士今晚想在电视上发表你的文章
  • Isn't that exciting? Yes, madam.
  • 这真是太令人激动了 是的


Thank you, thank you for coming.

谢谢 感谢前来
Galena and I would like to thank America...
for this glorious opportunity.
I have met people of every race, color and creed during this long campaign.
在这次漫长的选举战中我见到了不同种族 肤色 信仰的人们
I pledge to you that my White House will be a rainbow house.
我向你们保证 我领导的白宫 将会是一座彩虹之家
It'll be open to people of all colors and creeds.
Now, please, go and vote. We need your support.
现在请去投票吧 我们需要你们的支持
That was great. I'm gonna go do press.
很好 我要去应付媒体了
Greenleaf! Greenleaf!
格林利夫 格林利夫
Gallup has you down by a point.
CNN, USA Today, has us up by two. News has us down by sixty.
CNN、《今日美国》说我们上升了两个百分点 而福克斯新闻网说我们下降了六十个百分点
What message are you trying to get out to the undecideds today?
你对于现在这种 胜负未定的局面有何评价
The same message we put out yesterday, last week and last year...
我的意见依然相同 不管是昨天 上周 还是在去年开展选战的时候
when we started this campaign and that's why we're going to win.
Because we have the answers. Not platitudes and jingoistic rhetoric.
我们胸有成竹 这不是些陈词滥调和无谓浮夸
This is the truth train operation real deal.
In recent days, the president has aired ads claiming Greenleaf has vacationed at a nudist colony.
近来 总统声称 格林利夫去天体营度假
Come on, now, that's a tired accusation. It's pure fiction.
算了吧 那只是些莫须有的罪名
Then, how do you answer for the photos? - Right wing blogo-smear, that's how.
那么 你怎么解释那些照片呢?那只是右翼分子的博客涂鸦
I could stand here and perpetuate the rumor that as a young man...
the president had a gambling addiction, but I'm got going to sink to their level.
说总统年轻时是个赌徒 但我不会沦为他们一样的乌合之众
Despite eye witness accounts and documentation.
毫无根据 只知道信口开河
They sling mud, we sling ideas.
Still, if Greenleaf loses, you'll be 0 for 7 on the national scene.
还有 如果格林利夫失败了 你们就是七连败了
Thank you, Betty. Sorry, folks, that's all I have time for.
贝蒂 谢谢 对不起 到此为止吧
Why it's important to vote.
Many brave soldiers sacrificed themselves.
A right we take for granted.
For the people. - By the people.
为了人民 通过人民
We the people!
I can't read my writing.
All the world's great civilizations have followed the same path.
From bondage, to liberty, from liberty to abundance...
从束缚到自由 从自由到富裕
from abundance to complacency. From complacency to apathy...
从富裕到满足 从满足到冷漠
from apathy back to bondage.
If we're to be the exception to history, then we must break the cycle.
For those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
为了那些已经忘记 历史会重演的人们
Very good, everybody. Very good.
很棒 你们都很棒
Hold this.
Okay, remember, no running till you get out to the playground.
好的 记住走廊上不许奔跑打闹
Your last one was great. I'd like to use it on the news.
最后一个很棒 我想用在新闻里
Molly? - Yes.
莫莉的吗? 是的
Molly, come here.
莫莉 过来
This is Ms. Madison. She's the reporter from the news.
莫莉 这是麦迪逊女士 她是新闻记者
Hi, Molly. - Hi.
你好 莫莉 你好
How you doing? - Good.
还好吗? 很好
Your essay was very thoughtful.
Ms. Madison is going to show your essay tonight.
Isn't that exciting? Yes, madam.
这真是太令人激动了 是的

重点单词   查看全部解释    
bondage ['bɔndidʒ]


n. 奴役,束缚

documentation [.dɔkjumen'teiʃən]


n. 文件,证明文件,史实,[计]文件编制

sink [siŋk]


n. 接收端,沟渠,污水槽,散热器
vi. 下

fiction ['fikʃən]


n. 虚构,杜撰,小说

pledge [pledʒ]


n. 保证,誓言,抵押,抵押品
vt. 保证,

thoughtful ['θɔ:tful]


adj. 深思的,体贴的

rhetoric ['retərik]


n. 修辞,华丽虚饰的语言,修辞学

addiction [ə'dikʃən]


n. 沉溺,上瘾

witness ['witnis]


n. 目击者,证人
vt. 目击,见证,出席,

exception [ik'sepʃən]


n. 除外,例外,[律]异议,反对





