魂断蓝桥 (一)
Love of First Sight
Roy: You are at school , aren't you?
Mara: Ha-Ha. Roy: Am I being funny?
Mara: Oh look that's our school --"Madam Korowa's International Ballet".
Roy: International ballet? OK, You don't mean to say you are a dancer? Mara: Yes.
Roy: Er... professional dancer?
Mara: Now and then I wonder.
Roy: You mean you can balance well on toes, or such things.
Mara: Certainly. I can do entrechat six.
Roy: I beg your pardon?
Mara: I can cross my legs six times in mid air. Nijinfky could do ten, but that only happens once in a century .
Roy: It must be good for the muscles of the ...It must be good for the muscles. I used to think dancers, muscles must be like a strong man .
Mara: Not quite, that would be dreadful . We try to combine slenderness with strength . Well, I've been dancing since I was 12 , I don't think the muscles are overdeveloped ?
Roy: Oh, no, not in your case.
Mara: Of course, we have to train like athletes . Madam believes in rigid discipline .
Roy: You are expected to go to theatre tonight?
Mara: Certainly. We don't go until ten. Roy: I wish I could be there.
Mara: Why don't you come?
Roy: No, unfortunately I have a colonel's dinner. It takes a lot of nerves with in these colonel's dinners.
Mara: Are you home on leave?
Roy: I have been my home's in Scotland.
Mara: And then you have to go back to ... to front , I mean.
Roy: Tomorrow?
Mara: Oh, I'm so sorry. This hateful war.
Roy: Yes, I suppose it is. Yes it has. I don't know a certain minor excitement about it too, around the corner of every second, fascination of the unknown. We are both facing at this instant.
Mara: No. We face the unknown in peacetime, too.
Roy: You are rather matter-of-fact, aren't you?
Mara: Yes. You are rather romantic, aren't you?