Background Information:
King Tut:
King Tutankhamun,图坦卡蒙法老。古埃及最年轻的法老,其死因已经成为千古谜团。
You know, from this place, it starts the word "curse". If this tomb was not discovered, we will never hear about this word "curse", and we will never be here in this tomb talking about the curse.
November 1922, a British archeologist named Howard Carter is exploring the valley of the kings. For 5 years, Carter's team has been searching for a royal tomb with no luck.
Then on the morning of November 4th, a boy from the village notices something strange. The first step of a crypt. It is the find of a lifetime. The find of several lifetimes. The first intact royal tomb ever discovered in Egypt. But as the workers haul out artifacts, some wonder if the archeologists are desecrating the tomb.
In the backstreets of Cairo, rumors began to circulate. It all starts with the canary.
Carter's pet has been adopted by the workmen for good luck. But on the same day that Carter and his wealthy patron, Lord Carnarvon, open the tomb, workers discover the bird dead. Killed, some say, by a cobra, the symbol of the pharaohs.
A commentator in the London Times proclaims: the curse of the pharaoh has struck. 6 weeks after the official opening of the burial chamber, Lord Carnarvon is found dead in his hotel room. At the same moment it said, the entire electric power grate of Cairo fails.
Then, one by one, others associated with the excavation starts to die. Carnarvon's brother, from blood poisoning. American railroad magnate Jean Goo and French Egyptologist George Benedit who visited the crypt. Even an assistant, labeling artifacts from the file. Four, five, six deaths, all linked to Tut. The legend of King Tut's curse is born.
Word List:
crypt: n.土窖, 地下室, 地穴
desecrate: vt.亵渎, 污辱, 把(神物)供俗用
excavation: n.挖掘, 发掘, 挖掘成的洞, 出土文物
magnate: n.大资本家, 巨头, 富豪, 要人