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Friends老友记 S03E10:The One Where Rachel Quits

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Friends老友记 Episode 310:The One Where Rachel Quits

The One Where Rachel Quits

[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler and Rachel are sitting on the couch.]

Chandler: (reading the comics) Eh..., I don抰, I donknow.

Rachel: What?

Chandler: Well, as old as he is in dog years, do you think Snoopy should still be allowed to fly this thing?

Gunther: Rachel?

Rachel: Yeah.

Gunther: Do you remember when you first came here, how you spent two weeks getting trained by another waitress?

Rachel: Oh, sure! Do you need me to train somebody new?

Gunther: (laughs) Good one. Actually, ah, Terry wants you to take the training again, whenever.

Rachel: (to Chandler) Eh, do you believe that?

Chandler: (thinks about it) Yeah?


[Scene: The hallway of Rossbuilding, there is a Brown Bird girl selling cookies, as Ross and Chandler come up the stairs.]

Sarah: So thattwo boxes of the Holiday Macaroons. On behalf of the Brown Birds of America, I salute you. (Does the Brown Bird salute, she blows on a bird call, then holds her hand, palm facing out, next to her face, and then waves it like a bird flapping itwings.)

Ross: Just admit it Chandler, you have no backhand.

Chandler: Excuse me little one, I have a very solid backhand.

Ross: Shielding your face and shrieking like a girl... is not a backhand.

Chandler: I was shrieking... like a Marine.

(they both start up the stairs.)

Ross: All right here. Watch me execute the three 慞抯 of championship play. Power. (swings the racquet) Precision. (swings the racquet.) and penache. (does a backswing and hits Sarah whostarted up the stairs, knocking her down, they both watch in horror.)

[Scene: Central Perk, the gangall there discussing the incident.]

Monica: You broke a little girlleg?!!

Ross: I know. I feel horrible. Okay.

Chandler: (reading the paper) Says here that a muppet got whacked on Seasame Street last night. (to Ross) Where exactly were around ten-ish?

Ross: Well, Igonna go see her. I want to bring her something, what do you think shel like?

Monica: Maybe a Hello Kitty doll, the ability to walk...

(Rachel starts to laugh, and Ross notices her.)

Rachel: Igonna get back to retraining. (gets up)

Ross: All right, see you guys. (starts to leave)

Chandler: Look out kids, hecoming! (Ross continues to leave with his head down in shame.)

Joey: And I gotta go sell some Christmas trees.

Phoebe: Have fun. Oh wait, no, don抰! I forgot I am totally against that now.

Joey: What? Me having a job?

Phoebe: No, no, I am against innocent trees being cut down in their prime, and their, their corpses grotesquely dressed in like tinsel and twinkly lights. (to Joey) Hey, how do you sleep at night?

Joey: Well, Ipretty tired from lugging the trees around all day. Hey, Phoebe listen, you got this all wrong. Those trees were born to be Christmas trees, their fulfilling their life purpose, by, by making people happy.

Phoebe: Really?

(Phoebe turns and looks at Monica, while Joey frantically motions to Chandler to help him out.)

Chandler: Yes. Yes, and ah, ah, the trees are happy too, because for most of them, itthe only chance to see New York.

[cut to Gunther retraining Rachel.]

Gunther: ...and after youe delivered the drinks, you take the empty tray....

Rachel: Gunther, Gunther, please, Ie worked here for two and a half years, I know the empty trays go over there. (points to the counter.)

Gunther: What if you put them here. (sets the empty tray on another stack of empty trays on the back counter.)

Rachel: Huh. Well, y'know thatactually a really good idea, because that way theyl be closer to the mugs. Y'know what, you should have the other waitresses do that too.

Gunther: They already do. Thatwhy they call it theray spot.?br>
Rachel: Gee, I always heard them talk about that, I just always thought that it was a club they went to. Oh God, I抦, Isorry. (walks away)

Gunther: Itall right. Sweetheart.

[Scene: Sarahbedroom, her room is decorated with a space motif.]

Ross: So, this must be kinda neat for ya, huh? I mean, your Dad tells me that you get a couple of days off school, and you, you ah, donhave to sell those cookies anymore.

Sarah: Well, I kinda wanted to sell the cookies. The girl who sells the most wins a trip to Spacecamp, and gets to sit in a real space shuttle.

Ross: Wow, you ah, you really like all this space stuff, huh?

Sarah: Yeah. My Dad says if I spend as much time helping him clean apartments, as I do daydreaming about outer space, hebe able to afford a trip to the Taj Mahal.

Ross: I think you would have to clean a whole lot of apartments to go all the way to India.

Sarah: No. The one in Atlantic City, Dad loves the slots. He says hegonna double the college money my Grandma left me.

Ross: Huh. Well, good luck to Dad. Say, how many more boxes would you have to sell in order to win?

Sarah: The girl who won last year sold four hundred and seventy-five.

Ross: Yeah.

Sarah: So far, Ie sold seventy-five.

Ross: Four hundred, huh? Well, that sounds do-able. (starts to get out his wallet) How much are the boxes?

Sarah: Five dollars a box.

Ross: (puts away his wallet) And what is second prize?

Sarah: A ten speed bike. But, Irather have something my Dad couldnsell.

Ross: Well, that makes sense.

Sarah: Could you do me one favor, if itnot too much trouble?

Ross: Yeah, Sarah, anything.

Sarah: Could you pull open the curtains for me? The astronauts from the space shuttle are gonna be on the news, and since we donhave a TV, the lady across the alley said shepush hers up to a window, so I could watch it.

[Scene: A hallway, Ross is selling Brown Bird cookies for Sarah, he stops and knocks on a door.]

Woman: (looking through her peephole, we see Ross standing in the hallway.) Yesss?

Ross: Hi, Iselling Brown Bird cookies.

Woman: Youe no Brown Bird, I can see you through my peephole.

Ross: No, hi, I抦, Ian honorary Brown Bird (does the Brown Bird salute.)

Woman: What does that mean?

Ross: Ah, well, it means that I can sell cookies, but Inot invited to sleep-overs.

Woman: I can dial 9-1-1 at the touch of a button, y'know. Now, go away!

Ross: No, please, please, um, itfor a poor little girl who wants to go to Spacecamp more than anything in the world.

Woman: Ipressing, a policeman is on his way.

Ross: Okay, okay! Igoing. Igoing. (goes across the hall to knock on another door.)

Woman: I can still see you!

Ross: All right!!

[Scene: Joeywork, selling Christmas trees.]

Phoebe: (walking up to Joey) Hey.

Joey: Hey. What, what are you doing here?

Phoebe: Well, I-I thought a lot about what you said, and um, I realilized duh, all right maybe I was a little judgmental. Yeah, (looks at the tree) oh, but oh...

Joey: Look now, Phoebe remember, hey, their just fulfilling their Christmas....

Phoebe: Destiny.

Joey: Sure.

Phoebe: Yes.

Joey: All right.

Phoebe: Okay. (One of Joeyco-workers, walks by with a dead tree.) Yikes! That one doesnlook very fulfilled.

Joey: Oh, that抯, thatah, one of the old ones, hejust taking it to the back.

Phoebe: You keep the old ones in the back, that is so ageist.

Joey: Well we have to make room for the fresh ones.

Phoebe: So, what happens to the old guys?

Joey: Well, they go into the chipper.

Phoebe: Why, do I have a feeling thatnot as happy as it sounds? (Joey points out one going into the chipper to her, as this haunty, demonic music starts to play in the background) No! Nooooo!!! (she winces in horror and hides her face against Joeyshoulder, as she sees the tree spit out from the chipper.)

Joey: (to the guy operating the chipper) Hey! Hey!! (makes theut it?motion with his hands)

[Scene: Central Perk, all except Phoebe are there, Ross is telling the gang, minus Rachel whostill being retrained, about the different cookie options.]

Ross: ...and these come in the shapes of your favourite Christmas characters, Santa, Rudolph, and Baby Jesus.

Joey: All right, Il take a box of the cream filled Jesus抯.

Ross: Wait a minute, one box! Come on, Itrying to send a little girl to Spacecamp, Iputting you down for five boxes. Chandler, what about you?

Chandler: Ahh, do you have any coconut flavoured deities?

Ross: No, but ah, therecoconut in the Hanukkah Menoreoes. I tell you what, Il put you down for eight boxes, one for each night.

(Chandler mouthskay.?

Ross: Mon?

Monica: All right, Il take one box of the mint treasures, just one, and thatit. I-I started gaining weight after I joined the Brown Birds. (to Ross) Remember, how Dad bought all my boxes and I ate them all?

Ross: Ah, no Mon, Dad had to buy everyone of your boxes because you ate them all. But ah, y'know Isure thatnot gonna happen this time, why donI put you down for three of the mint treasures and just a couple of the Rudolph抯.

Monica: No.

Ross: Oh, come on, now you know you wantm.

Monica: Don抰, don抰, don抰, don抰, dondo this.

Ross: Il tell you what Mon, Il give you the first box for free.

Monica: (she reaches out for it and stops) Oh God! I gotta go! (runs out)

Ross: Come on! All the cool kids are eatingm! (chases after her.)

[cut to Gunther retraining Rachel.]

Gunther: And when you have a second later, I wanna show you why we donjust trap spiders under coffee mugs and leave them there.

Rachel: (sitting down next to Chandler) Itraining to be better at a job that I hate, my life officially sucks.

Joey: Look Rach, wasnthis supposed to a temporary thing? I thought you wanted to do fashion stuff?

Rachel: Well, yeah! Istill pursuing that.

Chandler: How... exactly are you pursuing that? Y'know other than sending out resumes like what, two years ago?

Rachel: Well, Ialso sending out.... good thoughts.

Joey: If you ask me, as long as you got this job, youe got nothing pushing you to get another one. You need the fear.

Rachel: The fear?

Chandler: Heright, if you quit this job, you then have motivation to go after a job you really want.

Rachel: Well then how come youe still at a job that you hate, I mean why donyou quit and gethe fear?

(Chandler and Joey both laugh)

Chandler: Because, Itoo afraid.

Rachel: I donknow, I mean I would give anything to work for a designer, y'know, or a buyer.... Oh, I just donwant to be 30 and still work here.

Chandler: Yeah, thatbe much worse than being 28, and still working here.

Gunther: Rachel?

Rachel: Yeah.

Gunther: Remind me to review with you which pot is decaf and which is regular.

Rachel: CanI just look at the handles on them?

Gunther: You would think.

Rachel: Okay, fine. Gunther, y'know what, I am a terrible waitress, do you know why Ia terrible waitress? Because, I doncare. I doncare. I doncare which pot is regular and which pot is decaf, I doncare where the tray spot is, I just doncare, this is not what I want to do. So I donthink I should do it anymore. Igonna give you my weeks notice.

Gunther: What?!

Rachel: Gunther, I quit.

Chandler: (to Joey) Does this mean wee gonna have to start paying for coffee? (Joey shrugs his shoulders.)


[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Chandler is entering numbers on a calculator as Ross reads off how much hesold.]

Ross: ....and 12, 22, 18, four... (Chandler starts laughing) What?

Chandler: I spelled out boobies.

Monica: (comes up and starts looking through Rosscookie supply) Ross, but me down for another box of the mint treasures, okay. Where, where are the mint treasures?

Ross: Ah, wee out. I sold them all.

Monica: What?

Ross: Monica, Icutting you off.

Monica: No. No, just, just, just a couple more boxes. It-it-itno big deal, all right, I抦-Icool. You gotta help me out with a couple more boxes!

Ross: Mon, look at yourself. You have cookie on your neck.

Monica: (covers her neck) Oh God! (runs to the bathroom)

Chandler: So, how many have you sold so far?

Ross: Check this out. Five hundred and seventeen boxes!

Chandler: Oh my God, how did you do that?

Ross: Okay, the other night I was leaving the museum just asaser Floyd?was letting out of the planetarium, without even trying I sold 50 boxes! Thatwhen it occurred to me, the key to my success, 憈he munchies.? So I ah, started hitting the NYU dorms around midnight. I am selling cookies by the case. They call me: 'Cookie Dude!'

Rachel: (entering) Okay, stop what youe doing, I need envelope stuffers, I need stamp lickers.....

Ross: Well hey, who did these resumes for ya?

Chandler: Me! On my computer.

Ross: Well you sure used a large font.

Chandler: Eh, yeah, well ah, waitress at a coffee shop and cheer squad co-captain only took up so much room.

Rachel: Hey-hey-hey thatfunny! Your funny Chandler! Your a funny guy! You wanna know what else is really funny?!

Chandler: Something else I might have said?

Rachel: I donknow, I donknow, werenyou the guy that told me to quit my job when I had absolutely nothing else to do. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!!

Ross: Sweetie, calm down, itgonna be okay.

Rachel: No, itnot gonna be okay Ross, tomorrow is my last day, and I donhave a lead. Okay, y'know what, Ijust gonna, Ijust gonna call Gunther and Igonna tell him, Inot quitting.

Chandler: You-you-you donwanna give into the fear.

Rachel: You and your stupid fear. I hate your fear. I would like to take you and your fear....

Joey: (entering, interrupting Rachel) Hey! I got great news!

Chandler: Run, Joey! Run for your life! (runs out)

Joey: What? Rachel, listen, have you ever heard of Fortunata Fashions?

Rachel: No.

Joey: Well my old man is doing a plumbing job down there and he heard they have an opening. So, you want me to see if I can get you an interview?

Rachel: Oh my God! Yes, I would love that, oh, that is soo sweet, Joey.

Joey: Not a problem.

Rachel: Thanks.

Joey: And now for the great news.

Ross: What, that wasnthe great news?

Joey: Only if you think itbetter than this... (holds up an aerosol can) snow-in-a-can!! I got it at work. Mon, you want me to decorate the window, give it a kind of Christmas lookie.

Monica: Christmas cookie?

[Scene: Joey work, Joey is showing a guy a tree.]

Joey: Okay, and ah, this one here is a Douglas Fir, now ita little more money, but you get a nicer smell.

Guy: Looks good. Il take it.

Phoebe: (running up carrying a tree) Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! No, no, you donwant that one. No, you can have this cool brown one. (points to the almost dead tree she has)

Guy: It抯-it抯-italmost dead!

Phoebe: Okay but thatwhy you have to buy it, so it can fulfil itChristmas destiny, otherwise there gonna throw it into the chipper. Tell him, Joey

Joey: Yeah, the ah, trees that donfulfil their Christmas destiny are thrown in the chipper.

Guy: I-I think Igonna look around a little bit more.

Joey: Pheebs, you gotta stop this, I working on commission here.

Monica: (entering) Hey, guys. Ihere to pick out my Christmas tree.

Phoebe: Well look no further, (shows her the dead one) this oneyours! Ahhh.

Monica: Is this the one that I threw out last year?

Phoebe: All right y'know what, nevermind! Everyone wants to have a green one! Isorry, Isorry, I didnmean to get so emotional, I guess itjust the holidays, ithard.

Monica: Oh honey, is thatause your Mom died around Christmas?

Phoebe: Oh, I wasneven thinking about that.

Monica: Oh. (turns and looks at Joey, who gives aay-to-go?thumbs up and smile.)

[Scene: A Brown Bird meeting, Ross is there with the other Brown Birds to see who won the contest.]

Ross: (to the girl sitting next to him) Hi there. How many, how many ah, did you sell?

Girl: Inot gonna tell you! Youe the bad man who broke Sarahleg.

Ross: Hey now! That was an accident, okay.

Girl: Youe a big scrud.

Ross: Whata scrud?

Girl: Why donyou look in the mirror, scrud.

Ross: I donhave too. I can just look at you.

Leader: All right girls, and man. Letsee your final tallies. (all the girls raise their hands) Ohhhh, Debbie, (looks at her form) 321 boxes of cookies, (to Debbie) Very nice.

Ross: (to himself) Not nice enough.

Leader: Charla, 278. Sorry, dear, but still good.

Ross: (to himself) Good for a scrud.

Leader: Oh, yes Elizabeth. Ah, 871.

Ross: Thatcrap!! Sister Brown Bird. (to Elizabeth) Good going. (does the salute)

Leader: Whonext? (goes over and stands behind Ross, whofeverishly writing on his form, and clears her throat to get his attention.)

Ross: Hi there!

Leader: Hi. And batting for Sarah, Ross Geller, 872. Although, it looks like you bought an awful lot of cookies yourself.

Ross: Um, that is because my doctor says that I have a very serious.... nuget.... diffency.

[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Phoebe, and Ross are there.]

Chandler: Tell us what happened, Brown Bird Ross.

Ross: Well, I lost. Some little girl loaned her uniform to her nineteen year old sister, who went down to the U.S.S. Nimitz, and sold over 2,000 boxes.

Chandler: (to Rachel, whoentering) Hey! Howthe interview go?

Rachel: Oh, I blew it. I wouldnof even hired me.

Ross: Oh, come here sweetie, listen, youe gonna go on like a thousand interviews before you get a job. (she glares at him) Thatnot how that was supposed to come out.

Phoebe: This is the worst Christmas ever.

Chandler: Y'know what Rach, maybe you should just, y'know stay here at the coffee house.

Rachel: I can抰! Ittoo late! Terry already hired that girl over there. (points to her) Look at her, sheeven got waitress experience. Last night she was teaching everybody how to make napkin.... (starts to cry) swans.

Ross: That word was swans.

[Scene: The hallway between the two apartments, Chandler, Phoebe, Ross, and Rachel are coming up the stairs.]

Chandler: Well seeing that drunk Santa wet himself, really perked up my Christmas.

(They start to go into Monica and Rachel抯, their apartment is filled with all of the old Christmas trees from Joeywork.)

Phoebe: Oh! Oh my God!

Joey and Monica: (jumping up from behind the couch) Merry Christmas!!

Phoebe: You saved them! You guys! Oh God, youe the best!

Chandler: Itlikeight of the Living Dead Christmas Trees.?br>
(phone rings)

Rachel: (answering the phone) Hello? (listens) Yeah, this is she. (listens) Oh! Youe kidding! Youe kidding! (listens) Oh thank you! I love you!

Chandler: Sure, everybody loves a kidder.

Rachel: (hanging up the phone) I got the job!

All: Thatgreat! Hey! Excellent!

Phoebe: Oh, God bless us, everyone.

[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is serving her last cup of coffee.]

Rachel: Here we go. Iserving my last cup of coffee. (the gang starts humming the graduation theme) There you go. (hands it to Chandler) Enjoy. (they all cheer)

Chandler: (to Ross) Should I tell her I ordered tea?

Ross: No.

Rachel: Um, excuse me, everyone. Ah, this is my last night working here, and I ah, just wanted say that I made some really good friends working here, and ah, itjust time to move on. (at the counter Gunther starts to cry and runs into the back room) Ah, and no offence to everybody who ah, still works here, you have no idea how good it feels to say that as of this moment I will never have to make coffee again.

[Scene: Rachelnew job, Rachelboss is telling her what to do.]

RachelBoss: Now Mr. Kaplan Sr. likes his coffee strong, so your gonna use two bags instead of one, see. Now pay attention, 慶ause this parttricky, see some people use filters just once.


[Scene: The hallway between the apartments, Ross is bringing Sarah to Joey and Chandler抯.]

Ross: I抦, Isorry you didnget to go to Spacecamp, and Ihoping that maybe somehow, this may make up for it. Presenting Sarah TuttlePrivate Very Special Spacecamp!! (opens the door and Chandler and Joey jump up, their apartment is decorated like outer space, one of the leather chairs is covered in tinfoil.)

Sarah: Really Mr. Geller, you donhave to do this.

Ross: Oh come on! Here we go! (picks her up and puts her in the chair) Stand by for mission countdown!

Joey: (simulating an echo) Ten, ten.., nine, nine, nine...., eight, eight, eight... (Chandler hits him in the back of the head) Okay, Blast off!

(They start shaking the chair likes itflying into outer space. Ross picks up a soccer ball and starts spinning it in his hand and runs around the chair beeping like a satellite. Chandler also starts running around the chair and saying...)

Chandler: Ian alien. Ian alien.

Ross: Oh no! An asteroid! (throws the soccer ball off the back of Joeyhead.)

(The camera zooms in on Sarah and she has a big smile on her face.)


重点单词   查看全部解释    
contest ['kɔntest,kən'test]


n. 竞赛,比赛
vt. 竞赛,争取

wallet ['wɔlit]


n. 皮夹,钱包

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

precision [pri'siʒən]


n. 精确,精密度
adj. 以精准的执行而著

championship ['tʃæmpiənʃip]


n. 锦标赛,冠军,拥护

plumbing ['plʌmiŋ]


n. 管道装置,铅管工行业 动词plumb的现在分词

episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事

pressing [presiŋ]


adj. 紧迫的,紧急的 press的现在分词


关键字: Friends 老友记




