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托福考试官方指南 第2期:Track02

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  • Listen to part of a lecture in a philosophy class.
  • 请听一段哲学课上的演讲。
  • OK.Another ancient Greek philosopher we need to discuss is Aristotle—Aristotle's ethical theory.
  • 好了。我们要讨论的另一个古希腊哲学家是亚里士多德——亚里士多德的伦理理论。
  • What Aristotle's ethical theory is all about is this: he's trying to show you how to be happy—what true happiness is.
  • 亚里士多德的伦理理论的意义就是:他尝试给你解释如何幸福——什么是真正的幸福。
  • Now, why is he interested in human happiness?
  • 他为什么对人类的幸福感兴趣呢?
  • It's not just because it's something that all people want to aim for. It's more than that.
  • 不只是因为这是所有人都想要的东西。远非如此。
  • But to get there we need to first make a very important distinction.
  • 要想理解这个理论我们首先需要做一个重要的区分。
  • Let me introduce a couple of technical terms: extrinsic value and intrinsic value.
  • 我先介绍两个术语:外在价值和内在价值。
  • To understand Aristotle's interest in happiness, you need to understand this distinction.
  • 要理解亚里士多德对幸福的兴趣,你得知道这个区别。
  • Some things we aim for and value, not for themselves but for what they bring about in addition to themselves.
  • 我们追求和重视一些东西,不是为其本身,而是为它们其附加值。
  • If I value something as a means to something else, then it has what we will call "extrinsic value."
  • 如果我视某件事物为达到其他事物的手段,那么这件事物就有“外在价值”。
  • Other things we desire and hold to be valuable for themselves alone.
  • 其它事物我们仅仅是因为它们本身而渴望或者认为其很有价值。
  • If we value something not as a means to something else, but for its own sake, let us say that it has "intrinsic value."
  • 如果我们重视某件事物不以其为达到另一事物的手段,只是因为它本身,那么这件事物就有“内在价值”。
  • Exercise. There may be some people who value exercise for itself, but I don't.
  • 比如锻炼。有一些人重视锻炼因为其本身,但我不是。
  • I value exercise because if I exercise, I tend to stay healthier than I would if I didn't.
  • 我重视锻炼是因为如果我锻炼,会比不锻炼更健康。
  • So I desire to engage in exercise and I value exercise extrinsically...not for its own sake, but as a means to something beyond it.
  • 所以我愿意加入锻炼是因为我重视锻炼的外在价值,而不是锻炼本身,是把它作为达成另一目的一种方式。
  • It brings me good health.
  • 它给我带来好身体。
  • Health. Why do I value good health? Well, here it gets a little more complicated for me.
  • 再说健康。为什么我在乎健康?这里有些复杂。
  • Um, health is important for me because I can' other things I want to do— play music, teach philosophy—if I'm ill.
  • 额,健康于我很重要因为,如果我生病了我就没法做其他我想做的事——玩音乐、教哲学。
  • So health is important to me—has value to me—as a means to a productive life.
  • 所以健康对我来说很重要——对我来说有价值——是获得高效生活的一种途径。
  • But health is also important to me because I just kind of like to be healthy—it feels good.
  • 但是健康对我也很重要,因为我喜欢健康——感觉很好。
  • It's pleasant to be healthy, unpleasant not to be.
  • 健康舒适一点,不健康很讨厌。
  • So to some degree I value health both for itself and as a means to something else: productivity.
  • 所以一定程度上,我看重健康既是因为它本身,也是因为它作为达成另一件事(高效率)的方式。
  • It's got extrinsic and intrinsic value for me.
  • 健康对我来说既有外在价值又有内在价值。


Listen again to part of this conversation, then answer the question.

You know, you have to remember now that youre the expert on what youve done.
So, think about what youd need to include if you were going to explain your research project to someone with general or casual knowledge about the subject, your parents.
Thats usually my rule of thumb: would my parents understand this?
OK.I get it.
I hope you can recognize by my saying that how much you do know about the subject.
Why does the professor say this?
I hope you can recognize by my saying that how much you do know about the subject.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
thumb [θʌm]


n. 拇指
v. 翻阅,示意要求搭车

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激





