six of one and half-a-dozen of the other 半斤八两;没什么区别
——I can't decide whether to take anthropology or geology this term. (我决定不了这学期是选人类学还是地理课。)
——It's six of one and half-a-dozen of the other. (两门无甚差别。)
I say she's a stewardess. She says she's a flight attendant. It's six of one and a half dozen of the other.
Stewardess和flight attendant虽然叫法不同,但其实是一回事。
Tommy, it doesn't really matter which way you solve the problem. It's six of one and half a dozen of the other. The important thing is for you to understand the principle here.
Tommy, 你用什么方法解题其实并不重要。这种或那种方法都没区别,而重要的是你得理解其中的原理。