- [地道美语听力播客] 地道美语听力播客:拉票广告
- 播客原文Hilary: The election is still two months away and I'm already sick of the political ads. Look
时间:2012-09-18 编辑:melody
- [网站公告] 可可英语第一届英文朗读决赛公投拉票开始啦!
- 从7月23日的报名起,可可英语官方学院第一届英语朗读比赛就热火朝天地开始了。经过初赛和复赛,美文组和新概念组的选手们表现不凡,这和他们精心的准备息息相关,祝愿他们在决赛中更精彩的表现。下面是可可地盘里选
时间:2012-08-06 编辑:rainbow
- [地道美语听力播客] 地道美语听力播客:竞选拉票 Getting Political Support
- Helen: Okay, your schedule today is very busy. First, you’re meeting with a group of constituents concerned about the environment. Then, you’re speaking to a group of factory workers. At
时间:2012-02-23 编辑:beck