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  1.Add8 times xto2 times xand then subtract5from the sum. Ifxis a positive integer, the result must be an integer multiple of






  2.A machine can insert letters in envelopes at the rate of120per minute. Another machine can stamp the envelopes at the rate of3per second. How many such stamping machines are needed to keep up with18inserting machines of this kind?






  3.In thex y-plane, linelpasses through the points0 comma 0and2 comma 5. Linemis perpendicular to linel. What is the slope of linem?

  (A)negative (5 over 2)

  (B)negative (2 over 5)

  (C)2 over 5

  (D)5 over 2


  4.If a number is chosen at random from the set(negative 10 comma negative 5 comma 0 comma 5 comma 10), what is the probability that it is a member of the solution set of both(3 times x) minus 2 less than 10andx + 2 greater than negative 8?


  (B)1 over 5

  (C)2 over 5

  (D)3 over 5

  (E)4 over 5

  5.The first term of the sequence above is8. Which of the following could be the formula for finding then thterm of this sequence for any positive integern?

  (A)(2 times n) + 6

  (B)(3 times n + 5)

  (C)(5 times n) + 3

  (D)(6 times n) + 2

  (E)(6 times n) + 5

  6.Ifppercent of75is greater than75, which of the following must be true?

  (A)p is greater than 100

  (B)p is less than 75

  (C)p is equal to 75

  (D)p is less than 25

  (E)p is equal to 25


  1.Add8 times xto2 times xand then subtract5from the sum. Ifxis a positive integer, the result must be an integer multiple of






  2.A machine can insert letters in envelopes at the rate of120per minute. Another machine can stamp the envelopes at the rate of3per second. How many such stamping machines are needed to keep up with18inserting machines of this kind?






  3.In thex y-plane, linelpasses through the points0 comma 0and2 comma 5. Linemis perpendicular to linel. What is the slope of linem?

  (A)negative (5 over 2)

  (B)negative (2 over 5)

  (C)2 over 5

  (D)5 over 2


  4.If a number is chosen at random from the set(negative 10 comma negative 5 comma 0 comma 5 comma 10), what is the probability that it is a member of the solution set of both(3 times x) minus 2 less than 10andx + 2 greater than negative 8?


  (B)1 over 5

  (C)2 over 5

  (D)3 over 5

  (E)4 over 5

  5.The first term of the sequence above is8. Which of the following could be the formula for finding then thterm of this sequence for any positive integern?

  (A)(2 times n) + 6

  (B)(3 times n + 5)

  (C)(5 times n) + 3

  (D)(6 times n) + 2

  (E)(6 times n) + 5

  6.Ifppercent of75is greater than75, which of the following must be true?

  (A)p is greater than 100

  (B)p is less than 75

  (C)p is equal to 75

  (D)p is less than 25

  (E)p is equal to 25


  1.The correct answer is B


  The mathematical expression given in the question is(8 times x) + (2 times x) minus 5, which is equivalent to(10 times x) minus 5. The expression(10 times x) minus 5can be factored as5 times ((2 times x) minus 1). For every positive integerx,5 times ((2 times x) minus 1)must be a multiple of5. Ifx = 1, then5 times ((2 times x) minus 1) = 5, which is not an integer multiple of2,8,10, or15. Therefore, the correct answer is5.

  2.The correct answer is A


  First you can change1minute to60seconds so that the ratios are both in envelopes per second. One inserting machine inserts letters at the rate of120per60seconds, or2per second. So18machines would insert36letters per second.

  Letxbe the number of stamping machines needed to keep up with18inserting machines. Then, since one machine stamps3envelopes per second,xmachines stamp3 times xenvelopes per second. You can write the equation3 times x = 36, which givesx = 12.

  3.The correct answer is B


  Linelpasses through the points0 comma 0and2 comma 5, so the slope of linelis equal to(5 minus 0) over (2 minus 0) = 5 over 2. Lineslandmare perpendicular, so the slope of linemis equal to the negative reciprocal of the slope of linel. Therefore, the slope of linemisnegative 1 over (5 over 2) = negative 2 over 5.

  4.The correct answer is C


  If(3 times x) minus 2 less than 10andx + 2 greater than minus 8, thennegative 10 less than x less than 4. The numbers from the listed set that satisfy these inequalities arenegative 5and0. There are five elements in the listed set, so the probability of a number chosen at random from the set being a member of the solution set of both inequalities is2 over 5.

  5.The correct answer is B


  You do not know the value of thesecondterm or thefourthterm of the sequence, but you do know the values of thefirst,third, andfifthterms. The correct formula must give8as the value of thefirstterm,14as the value of thethirdterm, and20as the value of thefifthterm. Choice E,(6 times n) + 5, gives11, not8, as the value of thefirstterm. Choice A,(2 times n) + 6, gives12, not14, as the value of thethirdterm. Choice C,(5 times n) + 3, gives18, not14, as the value of thethirdterm. Choice D,(6 times n) + 2, gives20, not14, as the value of thethirdterm. This leaves choice B,(3 times n + 5), which gives the correct values for thefirst,third, andfifthterms of the sequence.

  6.The correct answer is A


  Ifppercent of75is greater than75, then(p over 100) times 75 is greater than 75. It follows that75 p is greater than 7,500, and sop is greater than 100.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
solution [sə'lu:ʃən]


n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液

equation [i'kweiʃən]


n. 相等,方程(式), 等式,均衡

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负

sequence ['si:kwəns]


n. 顺序,连续,次序,序列,一系列

explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

probability [.prɔbə'biliti]


n. 可能性,或然率,机率

multiple ['mʌltipl]


adj. 许多,多种多样的
n. 倍数,并联

formula ['fɔ:mjulə]


n. 公式,配方,规则;代乳品
adj. (赛

stamp [stæmp]


n. 邮票,图章,印,跺脚
v. 跺脚,盖章

slope [sləup]


n. 倾斜,斜坡,斜面,斜线,斜率
vt. 使





