2.8 billion doses grant more confidence
疫苗接种28亿剂,给抗疫更多底气 | 小象漫评
At the end of 2020, China’s COVID-19 vaccines were approved to enter market.
2020年底 中国新冠疫苗正式获批 有条件上市
One year has passed and the number of vaccination doses administered has reached 2.8 billion.
一年过去了 中国接种已达28亿剂次 有了更多底气 防止疫情重来
Throughout the year, Chinese vaccines have been used,
这一整年里 多支中国新冠疫苗接力前行
along with other measures, to bring the pandemic under tighter control.
与各种措施相配合 共同控制疫情
Thanks to the vaccines, and the efforts of the Chinese people, the country has been able to control any new wave emerging and spreading.
中国抗疫形势平稳 多次反弹都被控制住 要靠老百姓对抗疫措施的配合 也靠疫苗这一强力武器
In comparison, in the US with anti-vaccine movements, the number of daily infections is still very high.
没有对比就没有伤害 在大批人反疫苗的美国 日增病例居高不下
It is starkly different how difficult it is for the virus to spread on the two sides of the Pacific.
病毒在太平洋两边的传播 难度根本不在一个级别
Chinese vaccines are also being delivered overseas to help the world fight the pandemic
对外 中国疫苗走向世界 助力全球对抗病毒
Because we know that to help others is to help ourselves.
因为我们知道 救别人就是救自己
Western countries, on the other hand, keep their products to themselves as much as they can.
与西方国家囤积居奇 形成鲜明的对比
Spring Festival is coming. Local governments must continue to control the pandemic and ensure people’s livelihoods, so that people can enjoy the festival.
春节为期不远 希望各地一手控制疫情 一手做好民生保障 让人民过一个欢乐祥和健康的新年