The film revolves around a left-behind teenager who insists in pursuing his dreams despite difficulties and participates in lion dancing.
The clanging of cymbals and the persistent beat of drums are aural cues to the lion dance. Colorful and loud, the lions are an ancient Chinese ritual to scare away evil spirits, and bless a business or home.
The structure of southern lions is more complicated than their northern counterparts. The head is made with paper over a bamboo frame, covered in gauze then painted and decorated with beautifully-colored materials that mimic fur.
Southern lions are believed to originate in Guangzhou. They are said to have appeared in the Qianlong Emperor’s dreams during his Southern tour, and he ordered an animal to be made in the likeness of his description and used in festivals from then on. However, it’s most likely to have been adapted from the Northern lion, which dates back to the Ming dynasty.
I'm not Chinese, but I love the Chinese New Year celebrations. I was lucky to grow up in a part of town with a huge Chinese population.
My mom took me to see the lion dances each year. The smokey firecrackers, the vibrant reds and golds as far as I could see, the smell of all the shops making their delicious food, the crowds of people full of joyous energy, and the sound of the drums and cymbals which you could feel throughout your entire body.
There are many fun New Year celebrations, but nothing quite matches the excitement and rejuvenating energy of the lion dances. It's the type of celebration that wakes up the spirit completely.
It is actually very difficult to even carry the head of the lion as it's very heavy and being the lower part of the lion is tiring as you have to bend your back and carry also the person in front at some parts of the dance. Respect to those who ever did lion dance.
Heaven has made us talents, we're not made in vain.
天生我材必有用。(许渊冲 译)
A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves; I’ll set my cloud-white sail and cross the sea which raves
长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。(许渊冲 译)