It was claimed by judges and reported dutifully by newspapers that the country had suddenly seen an outbreak of homosexual crime. But it was an outbreak of official anxiety which was manifested in the sharp increase in the number of prosecutions.
These had nothing to do with notions of rights or freedoms; the plea of the new men was for homosexuals to be treated by science rather than by punished by imprisonment.
On 26 October 1953 the young Labour MP, Desmond Donnelly, asked the Home Secretary to bring homosexuality into the scope of a current Royal Commission on the law relating to mental disorders.
This plea was followed on 26 November by the independent-minded Conservative MP, Sir Robert Boothby, asking for a new Royal Commission to examine51 'the treatment of ... homosexuals ... in the light of modern scientific knowledge ...'
Another MP suggested 'establishing a hospital for these unhappy people, where they can receive suitable discipline and treatment.'
But Maxwell-Fyfe replied that the prisons were 'alive to this problem and doing their utmost to treat these people according to the most up-to-date views and knowledge.' For even prison, or 'prison treatment' as he called it, was scientific now.