Such observations reflected an insight gained from many trials even with this one model which was, as it happened, an 'Outline of Development of the Daisy'.
He had quite literally been 'watching the daisies grow'—not only by 'examining 15 plants', rather as he had done with Joan Clarke in 1941, but on his universal machine.
But this was only one particular branch of his investigations:
这只是他的研究的冰山一角,there was another headed FIRCONES, with an associated computer routine OUTERFIR;
and another headed KJELL theory, which concerned another form of his basic equations, and which was associated with routines called KJELLPLUS, IBSEN and other Nordic names.
All of this went rather beyond the material that he was writing up for publication, so there was no lack of prospects.
He was working with Robin on the theory of types, and they planned to write a joint paper.
He also wrote a popular article on the 'word problem', which appeared in the Penguin Science News in early 1954.