The real discussion61 was recorded at the BBC Manchester studio on 10 January 1952. It was left to the brain surgeon to show the flag for the cause of consciousness, with Alan trying to haul it down.
Max Newman and Richard Braithwaite, the King's philosopher of science, acted as referees. It was couched in the jocular-Mandarin style of the day.
'Of course', wrote Alan to his mother, who listened to the broadcast, 'most of the questions put to me were more or less written in gags.'
Braithwaite began with a very appropriate Brains' Trust point:'it all depends on what is to be included in thinking.' Alan explained the imitation game as a criterion of'thinking', the others duly chipping in to put the objections.
'Would the questions have to be sums,' asked Braithwaite,'or could I ask it what it had had for breakfast?' 'Oh yes, anything,' said Alan,'and the questions don't really have to be questions, any more than the questions in a law court are really questions. You know the sort of thing, 'I put it to you that you are only pretending to be a man,' would be quite in order.'
They discussed learning and teaching, and Braithwaite said that people's ability to learn was determined by 'appetites, desires, drives, instincts' and that a learning machine would have to be equipped with'something corresponding to a set of appetites'.