Already there had been a hint in Intelligent Machinery, for Sir Charles Darwin's benefit:
The picture of the cortex as an unorganised machine is very satisfactory from the point of view of evolution and genetics.
It clearly would not require any very complex system of genes to produce something like the ... unorganised machine.
In fact this should be much easier than the production of such things as the respiratory centre. ...
Somehow the brain did it, and somehow brains came into being every day without all the fuss and bother of the minnow-brained ACE.
There were two possibilities: either a brain learnt to think by dint of interaction with the world, or else it had something written in it at birth—which must be programmed, in a looser sense, by the genes.
Brains were too complicated to consider at first. But how did anything know how to grow?
There lay the question—a question that the smallest child could ask, and the question that Natural Wonders Every Child Should Know had placed at the centre.
When embarking upon the delicate subject of 'what little boys and girls are really made of', E.T. Brewster had launched into a description of the growth of starfish, beginning with the young egg, before there is any sign of a growing creature inside.
One would perhaps expect to see the oil and jelly mixture change gradually into a star-fish.
Instead of this, however, this little balloon-like affair splits squarely into two, and makes two little balloons just alike, and which lie side by side.
... In about half an hour, each of these balloons or bubbles, 'cells' as they have come to be called, has divided again; so that now there are four. The four soon become eight; the eight, sixteen.