This Incredible Orbit Map of Our Solar System Makes Our Brains Ache
If you want to know what a talent for scientific visualizations looks like, check out Eleanor Lutz. She's a PhD student in biology at the University of Washington, and at her website Tabletop Whale, you can see her amazing work on full display.
如果你想知道科学可视化的天才是什么样子的,看看埃莉诺·卢茨吧。她是华盛顿大学生物学博士研究生,在她的网站Tabletop Whale上,你可以看到她惊人的工作成果。
As the tagline at her website says, she produces "Charts, infographics, and animations about any and all things science."
This includes things like a "Visual Compendium of Glowing Creatures," "All the Stars You Can See From Earth," and a beautiful topographic map of Mercury.
But it's her newest project that is garnering her a lot of attention in the space community. Lutz is working on an Atlas of Space, and has been for the last year and a half. It's a collection of ten visualizations including planets, moons, and outer space.
As she says on her website, "I've made an animated map of the seasons on Earth, a map of Mars geology, and a map of everything in the solar system bigger than 10 km."

It's that map of objects larger than 10 km that is generating buzz.
All of the data for Lutz's Atlas of Space is public data, freely available. She gets if from sources like NASA and the US Geological Survey.
卢茨太空地图集的所有数据都是公共数据,免费提供。她从NASA和美国地质调查局(US Geological Survey)等机构获取信息。
Part of what drives her is that even though the data is public and freely available, it's raw. And taking that raw data and turning it into a helpful, and even beautiful, visualization, takes a lot of work.
In an interview with Wired, Lutz said, "I really like that all this data is accessible, but it's very difficult to visualize. It's really awesome science, and I wanted everyone to be able to see it in a way that makes sense."