It’s one of a growing number of companies incorporating ocean-bound plastic into its supply chain.
HP announced that it is joining a coalition of those companies called NextWave Plastics, founded by Dell and the nonprofit Lonely Whale last year.
惠普已经宣布要加入这个名为 NextWave Plastics 的公司联盟。这个组织是由戴尔和公益组织 Lonely Whale 在去年成立的。
“Everybody needs to step up [to solve the problem of ocean plastic], including business, and I see no reason why business shouldn’t be leading,” says Ellen Jackowski, global head of sustainability strategy and innovation for HP.
惠普的全球可持续发展战略及创新长官 Ellen Jackowski 说:“每个人都应该站出来为解决海洋塑料垃圾问题出一份力。商界也该这么做,而且我觉得商界应该起到带头作用,责无旁贷。”
“Most of the waste just lands on the ground,” she says. “It makes its way into canals and out into the ocean. It’s sitting outside in the elements. It’s filled with mud, there’s salty air, lots of sand–very different properties compared to what you might buy, for example, off the American recycled plastic market.”
“We want to make sure that we test it all the way to make sure that it actually works, and not just look at the potential,” says Lena Pripp Kovac, sustainability manager, Inter IKEA Group.
宜家集团的可是续发展经理 Lena Pripp Kovac 说:“我们希望对整个流程进行完整的测试,好确保整套方案是真正可行的,而不是仅仅看看有什么可能性。”

“It goes through all the steps–whether you can source it, whether the designer can use it, whether it fits all of our democratic design principles. That’s what we want to test.”
“The key is for us as a society to see plastic as value, not as waste. Today everybody sees it as waste. How do we drive enough demand that people see plastic as value and not something that you want to throw away?” says Jackowski.
Jackowski 说:“整个事情的关键之处在于,我们的社会应该将塑料视为财富,而不是废料,而现在所有人都觉得它们是废料。我们应该怎样创造出足够的需求来让人们把塑料视为财富,而不是一种看见就想丢掉的东西呢?”
“Plastic’s a pretty amazing material. We’ve gotten a little carried away with it. So how do we put in the right processes in place in our society so that there’s enough value that we continue to reuse it rather than create more?”