With Boston opening the season as the favorites in a LeBron-less East, Irving might be the key to reaching new heights. If these five electrifying moves are any indication, the Celtics should be in good hands — because Irving might just be the best ball handler in the NBA.
身处没有了勒布朗-詹姆斯的东部,波士顿凯尔特人队作为夺冠热门开启了新赛季的征程,欧文将成为球队达到新高度的关键所在。以下五个欧文令人热血膨胀的运球动作将表明凯尔特人队目前身处利境 - 因为欧文有可能是当今联盟中的最佳控球手。
"He(Irving)'s got really strong hands," Stevens said. "When he shakes your hand, you know it." During a game against the Los Angeles Lakers in November, Irving nearly lost control of his dribble when Brandon Ingram slapped it away as Irving tried to get fancy in transition. The ball rolled free across the floor, and Irving raced to recover, muscling it from big man Brook Lopez near the top of the key.
"I don't remember what was going on," Ingram said. "It was a play where we had a defensive breakdown, and he just got through everybody and just messed up our whole defense." With a few dribbles, a recomposed Irving freed himself from a Lopez/Lonzo Ball double team then split Lopez and Kentavious Caldwell-Pope before finishing a left-handed layup — much to the delight of teammate Shane Larkin, who spilled off the bench in jubilation.
“我不记得发生了什么,”英格拉姆说。 “在那一回合中,我们的防守奔溃了,欧文带球穿过了我们所有人,彻底扰乱了我们的防守。重新恢复镇定的欧文,仅仅通过几次运球,就摆脱了洛佩兹和郎佐-鲍尔的夹击,然后迅速突破洛佩兹和波普的防守,随即左手上篮命中-这让坐在板凳席上的队友肖恩-拉金欢欣鼓舞。
No matter how flashy Irving's dribble moves are, they'd be worthless if they didn't lead to buckets — the proverbial million-dollar move with a 10-cent finish. Case in point: After a screen set by Al Horford, Irving sent defender Dennis Schroder skidding past with a behind-the-back move during a matchup in Atlanta last season.
无论欧文的运球多么华丽,如果它们最终没能化为得分,那也将毫无意义 - 正如一顿操作猛如虎,一看战绩零杠五。 例如:在上赛季对阵亚特兰大老鹰的一场比赛中,艾尔-霍福德上前为欧文挡拆,欧文仅通过一次背后运球就晃过了丹尼斯-施罗德。
After Horford opened a path, Irving accelerated to split both Schroder and Dewayne Dedmon, but two other Hawks scrambled over, hoping to deny Irving near the basket. Fading off his right foot to create a bit of space against Kent Bazemore, Irving was forced to adjust in midair again when 6-foot-8 Taurean Prince (and his 6-foot-11 wingspan) leapt to contest. Somehow, Irving still angled the ball high off the glass.
Picking Irving up full court, Collison tried to cut off Irving's angle near midcourt. Unfazed, Irving went behind his back to change direction, and it was Collison who lost his footing and crashed to the floor. With a spin move, Irving effortlessly floated past Collison's prone body. In a sequence that featured 11 total dribbles, Irving needed just three to ratchet up his speed while splitting Myles Turner and Bojan Bogdanovic before finishing on the opposite side of the basket.
科林森整场比赛都在领防欧文,试图在中场附近断球。 欧文丝毫不为所动,一个背运瞬间变向,让科林森失足倒地。科林森身体前倾防守欧文,欧文仅仅用一个转身就过掉了他。在一个集合了11次运球的骚操作中,欧文只需要三次运球便能提速,同时突破迈尔斯-特纳和博扬-波格丹诺维奇的防守,然后在篮筐的另一侧完成进攻。

"His feet. His feet are always moving," Celtics teammate Jaylen Brown said. "He has good handle, of course. But his feet, he can change pace at a drop of a dime. "I think that's what helps him take it to another level."
“他的脚。他的脚总是在移动,”凯尔特人的队友杰伦布朗说。 “当然,他有很好的处理能力,他可以当机立断地改变速度。“我认为这有助于他把比赛带到另一个层面。”
Just ask 2016-17 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Draymond Green. During Boston's lone visit to Golden State last season, Irving tried to drive to Green's left, but the big man was able to shuffle along and deny him. Irving didn't just slam on the brakes — slowing from 10.2 mph to a mere 2.8 mph in seven-tenths of a second — but he practically melted into the ground while changing direction with a dribble between his legs before sliding off Green's right hip to get into the paint. Even with less than two feet of breathing room, Irving is able to calmly spin a left-handed layup off the glass.
试着问看看2016-17赛季NBA年度最佳防守球员德拉蒙德-格林。 在上赛季波士顿唯一一次造访金洲的比赛中,欧文试图从格林的左路突破,但是这位大个子总能够及时防守归位拦阻欧文。欧文并非只是急停 - 将速度从每小时10.2英里瞬间降到每小时仅2.8英里。变向时,他犹如与地面融为一体,一个胯下运球就从格林的右侧突破到油漆区。即使只有不到两英尺的空间,欧文也能够从容地用一个左手旋转球上篮将球打板入筐。
During that early season game in Milwaukee, Irving tied Brogdon in a knot dribbling in front of the Boston bench and, with a fancy spin move in tight space, broke free toward the basket. Bucks big man John Henson came over with help, but Irving got low and tiptoed the baseline before somehow flinging a waist-high, two-handed backhand from the charge circle to a wide-open Horford near the top of the key.
在赛季初期对阵密尔沃基雄鹿的一场比赛中,欧文在波士顿替补席前运球,遭到了布罗格登的缠绕,在极其狭窄的空间里,欧文用一个转身摆脱了防守进攻篮筐。 雄鹿队的大个子约翰-汉森上前补防,但是欧文低下头,踮着脚尖来到底线,然后用双手反手从内线向处在弧顶附近的空位的霍福德传球。
"I remember that move specifically because I was like, 'Oh, man, I better knock that shot down after all the work that he just did,'" Horford said with a laugh. "It puts pressure on you. You gotta knock down those shots. "That's a top-10 play right there."
“我尤其记得那一个动作,我心想,'噢,伙计,我最好能在他做完那些所有动作之后将球投进,'”霍福德笑着说。 “这会对你施加压力,你必须命中所有的投篮。”“那势必会成为10佳球之一。”
As good as Irving was attacking the basket last season, he was even better when he used the chaos he created off the dribble to generate open looks for teammates. The Celtics averaged 1.21 points per direct Irving drive whenever he passed out of it, compared with a still-robust 1.13 points when he finished with a shot, according to Second Spectrum data.
只要欧文处于进攻模式,他总能利用运球制造的混乱为队友创造空位机会。Second Spectrum公布的数据显示,凯尔特人队在欧文直接传球的情况下平均得分为1.21分,而在欧文自己终结进攻的情况下平均得分为1.13分。
"It's one thing doing all these things with no defense, no pressure," Horford said. "It's another thing to do that in the middle of the game — having to make decisions — and he makes it all look so easy. "That's what impresses me most about what he does."
霍福德说:“这些事情是欧文从未抗拒的,对他来说没有压力的事。” “在比赛过程中做到这一点是另一回事 - 必须做出决定 - 而且他让一切看起来很容易。“这就是他让我印象最深刻的地方。”