The quest for extreme selfies killed 259 people between 2011 and 2017, a global study has revealed.
Researchers at the US National Library of Medicine recommend that 'no selfie zones' should be introduced at dangerous spots to reduce deaths.
These would include the tops of mountains, tall buildings and lakes, where many of the deaths occurred.

Drowning, transport accidents and falling were found to be the most common cause of death. But death by animals, electrocution, fire and firearms also appeared frequently in reports from around the world.
In July this year, 19-year-old Gavin Zimmerman fell to his death while taking selfies on a cliff in New South Wales, Australia.
Tomer Frankfurter died in California's Yosemite National Park in September after falling 250 metres while trying to take a selfie.
News reports like this were analysed to compile the study.
They found that selfie-related deaths are most common in India, Russia the United States and Pakistan and 72.5% of those reported are men.