Men might not like coming to women to get dating advice, but that's dumb. No one is going to think a man has any less sexual or romantic prowess just because he's looking for some insights from someone who identifies as being female.
If anything, it speaks to your understanding of women as a whole if you're man enough to know that you don't know as much about women as you would like to and that you are willing to do your homework. And what men think about their own prowess will determine their success in dating.
Women see the world differently from men, and while that's part of what makes the man-woman dynamic so much fun, it can also be a source of serious frustration, particularly when it comes to romance.

1. Use your ears.
1. 用耳朵倾听。
"Sometimes we just want you to listen. Don't try to help, don't try to do anything other than just be there and listen."
2. Listening is sometimes better than doing.
2. 有时候,听比做更得人心。
"If I'm thirsty, I don't want you to bring me a glass of water. I want you to sympathize. I want you to say: 'Gloria, I too know what it feels like to be thirsty. I, too, have had a dry mouth.'"
3. Don't try to "win" kissing.
3. 不要潦草亲吻。
"Take your time when kissing, it's not a race."
4. Learn her body.
4. 了解她的身体。
"I had a woman show me the proper way to 'pull' a woman's hair. Another one showed me the sensitivity of the neck and behind the ear. All great stuff. The women love it."
5. Outsource your dating profile.
5. 包装约会历史。
"Not so much advice, but my dating profile was more or less created by my female friends. I made mine initially and apparently it was terrible. They did an excellent job."
6. Words matter.
6. 言语很重要。
"There's a big difference between a nice guy and a good guy."
7. Don't try to change her.
7. 不要试图改变她。
"You can't change a woman's mind, you can only change her mood."