Pretty much everyone knows the feeling of dealing with people who have no idea what your profession is actually all about. Sometimes it even becomes frustrating to explain the nuances of your job over and over again. But if people will pay attention to this post, many won't have to do it ever again.
1 Manager
Being good at your job doesn’t necessarily make you a good choice for managing others doing that jog
I am proof positive. I'm a software developer, and I like to think a good one. I'm now a "lead" developer, meaning I lead other developers and quality assurance people on projects. (Not a manager, but still a leadership role.) I'm terrible at it (and I hate it most days). I just want to write code.
2 nurse
Nurses are underpaid. We are not all sexy. We work outside of hospitals too. We are often hourly wage workers who don’t get paid if we don’t work, and insurance companies cover everything medical(doctors, spcialists, therapists , procedures, equipment) but not nursing hours.
I think nurses are the most underappreciated maybe only second to teachers. My dad was in out of the hospital constantly for 3 years. I can't say enough good things about all of his nurses. You're all beautiful in my eyes
3 programmer
Most programmers don’t know why your printer isn’t working.
Yup, thats what my friend keeps telling me: "We are just much better in using google than anyone else."
4 Librarians
Librarians do, in fact , still exist
Do people not go to libraries? Our community library plays a big role in the community.
5 Photographer
A photo isn’t public domain just because you found it on the internet
I have fought agains art thieves. They often have very ridiculous explanations why it is OK to post other people's work as their own. Last week for example one person thought it was OK to post copyrighted photos to her gallery only because she had written some Bible quotes on them. When I told that person that it still was not OK to use someone else's pictures even though they had edited them that person just thought that I hate her because she was a Christian and I was a sinner.
6 Environmental scientist
That climate change is certainly, indisputably manmade and real, and that any doubt is manufactured by special interest groups.
Interesting fact, an ice age is defined when both polar caps are covered in ice, like now. so we're in an ice age (technically), from what I can gather the caps have been freezing then melting then freezing etc etc on loop, the issue is that we've dramatically sped things up this time around.
7.My marital status does not impact my knowledge, wisdom, empathy or ethics.
Therapy takes time; maybe weeks, maybe months. Don't expect me to help you "fix" in one session what took years to destroy.
sex problems are rarely about sex.
It has nothing to do with life experience, It's their education.
8 Assistant
Though I am somebody's assistant, I am not everybody's assistant.
"Oh, so you're not important." No, the assistant is the glue that holds the department/office/company together.
9 It consultant
Just because someone works in IT does not automatically mean they can diagnose orfix that problem with your home PC/broadband or creat a website for you anymore than a Pharmacist can sew your arm back on.
turn it off. then turn it back on.
10. Editor
Editing is more about fixing arguments and story sturcture than fixing sentences. Often when I tell someone I'm a book editor, I get some form of: "That's so awesome! I love finding typos!"
As a writer I got always a similar question: "Is your editor correcting typos and grammar?" Ehm, no, that is the job of the corrector. The editors job is.. see above