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WASHINGTONChina will increase its purchase of American goods and services in order to reduce the multibillion-dollar trade imbalance with the United States, the two countries said in a joint statement Saturday.

How much the imbalance will be reduced remains to be seen.
Trump administration officials had said during negotiations this week that China was prepared to make up to $200 billion in additional purchases. Notably absent from Saturdays announcement were any dollar figuresor a sense of the scale of the agreed-upon increases.
The White House said that China had committed to buying more agriculture and energy exports, but noted that American officials would at some point go to China to work out the details of their agreement.
To meet the growing consumption needs of the Chinese people and the need for high-quality economic development, China will significantly increase purchases of United States goods and services,” said the statement. “This will help support growth and employment in the United States.”
The Trump administration has taken a hard line against China since the president took office, and the United States has made a series of moves focused on trade, including threatening tariffs on Chinese products and restrictions on Chinese investment flowing into the country. Among the claims that the United States has made is that Beijing has unfairly stolen intellectual property, especially as China pushes ahead in developing the next generation of wireless technology known as 5G.
Recently, both countries have shown a willingness to compromise to reduce trade tensions, and Chinese officials came to Washington this week for a series of talks with various cabinet officials, including Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.
最近,两国都表现出愿意做出让步,以缓和贸易紧张关系。本周,中方官员来到华盛顿,与包括财政部长史蒂文·努钦(Steven Mnuchin)在内的多名内阁官员举行了一系列会谈。
The announcement Saturday made no reference to whether the Trump administration would walk away from tariffs imposed this year on roughly $50 billion of Chinese imports. But Liu He, an economic adviser who led the negotiations for China, suggested that both sides would stop recently imposed tariffs, according to Chinas Xinhua News Agency.
周六的声明没有提到特朗普政府是否会取消今年对大约500亿美元的中国进口商品征收关税。但据中国的新华社 (Xinhua News Agency)报道,领导中方谈判的经济顾问刘鹤表示,双方将停止征收最近实施的关税。
Scott Paul, the president of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, an industry group, said that judging from the announcement, the talks didnt appear to have moved American businesses toward a level playing field in China.
行业组织美国制造业联盟(Alliance for American Manufacturing)主席斯科特·保罗(Scott Paul)说,从声明来看,谈判似乎未能让美国企业在中国获得公平的竞争环境。
Sometimes its better to walk away from the negotiating table to reinforce the point to China that our resolve is strong,” he said. “We need more details, but Im not encouraged by the direction these talks are headed.”
As the negotiations this week wound down, mixed signals emerged about the progress the two sides had made.
They are meeting many of our demands,” Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, told reporters Friday as he discussed the possibility ofat least $200 billionin additional purchases.
“他们会满足我们的很多要求,”国家经济委员会(National Economic Council)主席拉里·库德洛(Larry Kudlow)上周五对记者说。他谈到了中国多购买“至少2000亿美元”商品的可能性。
Chinese media contested the concessions. The Foreign Ministry denied Friday that it had offered to reduce its trade deficit with the United States by the $200 billion amount, and on Saturday the state-run Peoples Daily, considered a mouthpiece for the Chinese government, called the reportsa misunderstanding.” The trade deficit with China reached $375.2 billion last year.
American officials have clashed in recent days over what to offer Beijing in return for increasing its purchases of American goods and services.
One issue is whether the United States should relax so-called export controls on certain products and technology, according to two people who were familiar with the negotiations but were not authorized to speak publicly about them. The controls determine whereand in what quantityproducts with military applications or advanced technologies, like semiconductors that power smartphones and computers, can be exported to other countries.
Mr. Mnuchin, who has been leading the negotiations, has pushed for relaxing the rules in order to forestall the possibility of a trade war and secure Chinas purchase of additional goods from the United States in the coming years. Mr. Mnuchins plan has faced stiff opposition from Defense Department officials, who fear such sales could compromise American national security, one of the people said.
The Defense Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment, nor did the Treasury Department.
Another point of contention has been whether to offer relief for ZTE, a Chinese telecom firm. The Trump administration penalized ZTE for violating American sanctions against North Korea and Iran, steps that have effectively shuttered the companys business and put tens of thousands of Chinese jobs at risk.
After taking a tough stance on China in recent months, President Trump has appeared open to relaxing penalties against ZTE, posting to Twitter last weekend that too many jobs had been lost.


The comments provoked a sharp backlash from hard-liners within the administration and lawmakers across the political spectrum, who saw concessions to the Chinese on ZTE as infringing on the rule of law and potentially endangering national security.

Any breaks offered by the United States could backfire with economic nationalists, who have viewed the imposition of tariffs and investment restrictions against China as the fulfillment of one of Mr. Trumps core campaign promises.
Its imperative that we do not back off one iota, and certainly not for more happy talk about continuing dialogue,” said Stephen K. Bannon, the presidents former chief strategist.
“我们一定要寸步不让,而且当然不能为了更多愉快地讨论继续对话而让步,”总统的前首席战略师史蒂芬·K·班农(Stephen K. Bannon)表示。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
flowing ['fləuiŋ]


adj. 流动的;平滑的;上涨的 v. 流动;起源;上涨

misunderstanding ['misʌndə'stændiŋ]


n. 误会,误解

property ['prɔpəti]


n. 财产,所有物,性质,地产,道具

imperative [im'perətiv]


n. 命令,诫命,需要,祈使语气
adj. 命

imbalance [im'bæləns]


n. 不平衡,失调

cabinet ['kæbinit]


n. 橱柜,内阁
adj. 私人的

potentially [pə'tenʃəli]


adv. 潜在地

comment ['kɔment]


n. 注释,评论; 闲话
v. 注释,评论

resolve [ri'zɔlv]


n. 决定之事,决心,坚决
vt. 决定,解决

intellectual [.intil'ektʃuəl]


n. 知识份子,凭理智做事者
adj. 智力的





