A note written by Albert Einstein in 1921 to an Italian scientist who had refused to meet him has sold for USD 6,100 at an auction in Jerusalem.
The Nobel-winning scientist, then 42, wrote to Elisabetta Piccini, a 22-year-old chemistry student.
Ms Piccini lived one floor above his sister, Maja, in Florence.
"Einstein was very interested in meeting her. But Ms Piccini was too shy to meet with such a famous person," Winner's auction house said.

In the letter written in his native German, Einstein uses an idiom signalling affection.
"To the scientific researcher, at whose feet I slept and sat for two full days, as a friendly souvenir," the note to Ms Piccini said.
"You know nowadays the 'Me Too' campaign? Probably Einstein would have been in this campaign by leaving such a note to this lady," Gal Wiener, chief executive of Winner's, told the Associated Press news agency.