Austria’s financial regulator has paved the way for HNA Group’s takeover of an Austrian asset manager, just days after New Zealand’s overseas investment watchdog blocked a similar deal because of the Chinese company’s opaque ownership.
奥地利金融监管机构为海航集团(HNA Group)收购一家奥地利资产管理公司铺平了道路。仅仅数天前,新西兰的海外投资监管机构因为海航所有权不透明而阻止了海航的一笔类似交易。
C-Quadrat – the Austrian firm through which HNA bought a stake in Deutsche Bank – said the Vienna’s Financial Market Authority had “no objections” to the Hainan-based company’s planned majority takeover.
奥地利公司C-Quadrat表示,奥地利金融市场监管局(FMA)“不反对”总部位于海南的海航收购C-Quadrat多数股份的计划。海航曾通过C-Quadrat购入德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)的股份。