Despite a number of failed auction attempts in the past, three Boeing 747s are hoping finally to find their wings on e-commerce site Taobao.
In their latest sale, the three Boeing cargo planes will land on the auction block with a total starting price of 390 million yuan ($59.3 million).
Opening bids for each of the planes range between 122 and 135 million yuan.
The upcoming auction on November 20 in Guangdong Province will be the first time Boeing craft have been offered on Taobao.

The planes, once owned by Jade Cargo International, were jettisoned when the company filed for bankruptcy in 2013. The planes were later seized by a Shenzhen court.
The aircraft were offered in six offline auctions but never found buyers. They are currently being stored at airports in Shenzhen and Shanghai.
Taobao has tried its hand at auctioning off aircraft in the past with mixed results. Six aircraft, including a small helicopter, hit the online auction block in 2013, the majority of which failed to receive any bids.