"I love you, but I think when our lease is up next year, we might have to start living apart for a while," I said nervously to my boyfriend as I packed up my suitcase. No, this wasn't a breakup, but a discussion about how we should figure out our living arrangements when I wanted to become a full-time digital nomad.
For as long as I can remember, I've thought that the idea of living out of a suitcase was one of the most romantic, adventurous, incredible things one could do with their life. The idea of selling all your possessions and only surviving off what could fit inside a carry-on bag was what I figured was calling for me after a childhood of never traveling or going anywhere outside of my home state.
And in my early adulthood, I had finally done it in a lot of ways. In college, I packed up everything and went off to study abroad in England for three months and lived off what I had brought with me (while also purchasing a huge amount of clothes from the local Primark).

I moved to Los Angeles for a few months after graduating, with nothing except what could fit in my car as I headed from Seattle down the West Coast to my new home (all while picking up a multitude of home goods and appliances that I thought an adult should own). And then a couple of years later, I went back to the UK and did it again, except this time for eight months while doing a creative writing program in London (all while taking weekly shopping trips down Oxford Street, which soon filled up my closet).
In my naive mind, I thought I had conquered the nomadic lifestyle. I could move somewhere temporarily with just the small amount of things I owned and make a life for myself. And, truthfully, I sort of could. I'm great at starting anew. One of my favorite things in the world is giving away everything I own and fitting the most important items into my bags and heading off to a new city.