When the CEO of my former company sat the 100 employees down for an impromptu meeting, everyone knew something was coming. Sure enough, our company was going through a "merger" (CEO speak for "We got bought out, but a merger sounds more equitable"), and 29 employees were to be laid off that day. Mine was one of the first positions cut. Four months later, only a handful of the original 100 employees are left working for the "merged" company.
At first, I was devastated. I was finally making things happen within my role and had been assigned an amazing boss just a couple months earlier. After some time, I realised that I was pretty much on a paid holiday. I was given a severance package and qualified for unemployment, so we'd be all right for the time being.

Weeks went by and I grew to love staying home and taking care of the household. My wife and I don't have kids (unless you count the dogs), but there are still things that need to get done. Laundry, dishes, sweeping, mopping, re-organisation, meal prep - every day brought something that needed to be accomplished around the house, and I found myself keeping busy and being able to run errands for my wife, as well.
The "traditional" approach of being a domestic god typically falls on the wife, which - let's be real - is garbage. A relationship of any kind is a partnership, regardless of who does what. I never had any expectations of my wife doing the dishes or making dinner or anything like that. I enjoy cleaning and cooking, and she enjoys spending time together.
Here's the "traditional" way of marriage: Husband goes to the office, makes the money, and comes home, and the wife has cleaned the house and made dinner for the husband. She hands him his meal and beer and then makes herself scarce.
That's sh-t. Welcome to 2017.
My wife is the breadwinner, and there's no shame in that. She works hard for her paychecks, and I have the utmost respect for her. She came into a male-dominated field (IT) with absolutely no experience and worked her way up the ranks to become a respected member of her team. I stay home, write articles, and clean the bathroom.