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Are you sitting comfortably? We don't wanna shock you, but we're here to talk about the F-word. No, not that one. We're gonna talk about feminism.

That shocked gasp at the back there pretty much sums up how people are feeling right now. Feminism today is a lot of things, many of them controversial. It's a rallying cry. It's a dirty word. It's something angrily chucked around on Twitter. It's a focal point for resistance against a world that's lurching rightwards.
At least, that's what you're probably hearing. And we can't blame you; talk radio, social media, and angry people in the streets are all combining to portray feminism as something uniquely crazy and/or threatening. But the truth is a little… different. Go digging beneath the headlines, and you'll discover that feminism is so much bigger, so much more complicated, and so different from what you likely expect.

10. It Means Always Voting for the Woman

10. 女权主义总会为女人投票


There's a misconception that feminism means always standing by a woman, no matter how flawed she is. The 2016 US election demonstrated this fallacy. Pretty much everyone in both the Dem and Republican parties assumed feminists would automatically vote for the first major female presidential candidate in history. Seems a no-brainer, right?

Not quite. As pumped as many feminists were that a woman got a major party nomination, that didn't mean they had to like her. Feminists aren't unthinking automatons programmed with 'female good, male bad'. For many, wanting Hillary to win because she was a woman made as much sense as you wanting Jeffery Dahmer for president because he was Christian.
Despite what the pundits said, this is basic common sense. Plenty of feminists were gladdened that a woman was nominated, but simply felt the GOP was better equipped to deal with more pressing issues. Equally, even some liberal feminists felt that Hillary was a bad candidate who would be a bad president, despite appreciating the milestone of her nomination. At its heart, feminism is about empowering women to make up their own minds, even if (or maybe especially if) those decisions go against perceived orthodoxy.
不管学究们说了什么 ,这是一个基本常识。很多女权主义者会因女性被提名而感到高兴,但认为共和党更有能力解决当下紧迫的问题。同样,甚至一些自由派的女权主义者认为希拉里是很糟糕的候选人,也不会是个好总统,尽管他们也为女性被提名这样一个里程碑感到欣喜。本质上,女权主义关乎赋予女性自决的能力,即便(或者尤其是)那些决定会与既成的正统背道而驰。

9. It Means Liberalism

9. 女权主义等同于自由主义


Ask most people to picture a feminist, and they'll conjure a young, cosmopolitan, college-educated millennial girl who holds social views and economic positions somewhere to the left of Lenin. While these people definitely exist, they're also far from the whole story. For every feminist with a poster of Bernie Sanders adorning her wall, there's another out there with a pro-life poster stuck to hers.

Despite what social media would tell you, there are plenty of feminists out there whose social views line up more closely with Ronald Reagan than they do Elizabeth Warren. The Texas-based New Wave Feminists group, for example, are staunchly pro-life and anti-abortion. Then there's the Empowered Women group, a vast, business network with a core belief in political libertarianism and the value of open markets. Neither of these is small groups, and they represent just a fraction of the right-leaning feminist groups out there.
At its heart, feminism just means believing in equal rights for women. You don't have to be particularly liberal to accept that. As the multitude of different feminist groups show, you can be conservative and feminist, libertarian and feminist, or even Communist and feminist without compromising your core beliefs.

8. It's Only for Women

8. 只有女人才能支持女权主义


By now, you've probably noticed that this article has gone out under a male byline. Yup, the dribbling writer-monkey we selected for this piece is undeniably male. Some of you might be surprised by that. Doesn't the name 'feminism' kinda intentionally exclude men?

We politely disagree. Believe it or not, there are plenty of men out there who identify as feminists. And only around 0.01% of them are doing so in the hopes of getting laid.
Now, before we go any further, we should point out that this is a total minefield, even for people as brainy and all-round awesome as we are. There are a ton of articles out there by female feminists arguing that male feminists are often jerks who are hijacking their movement. In other words, that getting a male writer to cover feminism when there are plenty of female writers out there is like personally punching Emmeline Pankhurst in the face.
We can't deny it's potentially an odd look. But then, that's the beauty of feminism. It doesn't just appeal to women. Just as whites marched with Martin Luther King back in the day, there are plenty of men who genuinely give a damn about women's rights. And, luckily for them, a good number of feminist groups are actively welcoming to them. Every man has a mom, a sister, a girlfriend, a female friend who he'd never want to see discriminated against because of who she is. To paraphrase Emma Watson's famous 'He for She' speech, gender equality is an issue men should care about, too.

7. It's Against Men

7. 女权主义对抗男性


This one sorta links to the point above. People whose only brush with feminism comes via Twitter might assume feminism means screwing over men. It's kinda in the mission statement, right? At the very least, feminists are presumably indifferent to men's issues.

Not quite. Over the years, feminists activists have gone out of their way to target inequalities that affect men. What's more, they've succeeded.
Only a few short years ago, if you were male and got raped, the FBI weren't interested. Their definition of rape only included offenses against women. As anyone who lives on planet Earth is aware, men can and do get sexually assaulted (admittedly at a much lower rate than women). It was only after a feminist campaign that the FBI began logging statistics on male rape, too. Then there's the whole 'assault in the military' thing. Several of the groups for male survivors directly grew out of feminist support networks.
Then there's the whole, big picture issue. At its heart, feminism believes that the lives of men and women will both be improved by overturning patriarchal culture. You may well disagree with that assessment. But that doesn't change the fact that it comes from a sincere desire to help men, too.

6. There is Only One Kind of Feminism

6. 只有一种女权主义


A big problem with how people view feminism is that they see it as one large, monolithic thing. But this is like saying the US, Singapore, Sweden and Norway are interchangeable as they're all capitalist democracies. Feminism has as many different flavors as your local Walmart does breakfast cereals.

Over the years, feminism came in at least three distinct waves. So, you have First Wave feminism, which is from the suffragette era and is concerned with stuff like votes for women and equality before the law. Then you have the Second Wave, which focuses on stuff like domestic violence, rape in marriage, sexual exploitation and hidden abuse. Finally, you have the Third Wave, which explicitly believes there are as many feminisms as there are women, and that black women, lesbian women, Asian women and so-on all have different experiences. There might even be a Fourth Wave, depending on who's counting.
Although these waves are 'historic', they're still a handy guide for figuring out what type of feminism a given person believes in. So, someone may identify more with the 3rd wave, whereas someone else might feel the concerns of the 2nd wave are more relevant to her; with each of these waves having additional sub-divisions within them. In short, feminism is no more monolithic than Christianity, conservatism, liberalism or Doctor Who fandom.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
milestone ['mailstəun]


n. 里程碑

complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]


adj. 复杂的,难懂的

distinct [dis'tiŋkt]


adj. 独特的,不同的,明显的,清楚的

poster ['pəustə]


n. 海报,装饰画

fallacy ['fæləsi]


n. 谬论

monolithic [.mɔnə'liθik]


adj. 独石的,完全统一的,整体的

automatically [.ɔ:tə'mætikəli]


adv. 自动地,机械地

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

vast [vɑ:st]


adj. 巨大的,广阔的
n. 浩瀚的太

flawed [flɔ:d]


adj. 有缺陷的;有瑕疵的;有裂纹的





