Facebook has developed artificial intelligence technology to help it identify terrorist posts, while increasing its team of counter-terrorism specialists to more than 150, as the social network pushes back against accusations it does not do enough to stop extremist propaganda spreading online.
The world’s largest social network has declared it is committed to making the site a “very hostile environment for terrorists”, as politicians in Germany, the UK and France discuss imposing fines on platforms that do not take down their posts.
Recent attacks in London and Manchester have increased pressure on tech companies to show they are taking action. The UK prime minister Theresa May, who has accused the platforms of providing “safe spaces” for terrorists online, launched a joint anti-terror campaign targeting social media companies with French President Emmanuel Macron this week.
最近伦敦和曼彻斯特遭遇的恐袭,加大了科技公司受到的压力,要求它们向外界证明它们在采取行动。曾经指责社交平台为恐怖分子提供网络“安全空间”的英国首相特里萨?梅(Theresa May),本周与法国总统埃马纽埃尔?马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)启动了针对社交媒体公司的联合反恐行动。
Monika Bickert, head of global public policy at Facebook and a former prosecutor, said the company had made “significant improvements” in the past year.
曾经担任检察官的Facebook全球公共政策主管莫妮卡?比克特(Monika Bickert)表示,该公司在过去一年取得了“重大进展”。