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Chinas first cyber security law will increase costs for multinationals, leave them vulnerable to industrial espionage and give Chinese companies an unfair advantage, business representatives and analysts have warned.

Aspects of the measure, which comes into force on Thursday, have been widely welcomed as a milestone in introducing much needed data privacy. But analysts have expressed fears it could help Beijing steal trade secrets or intellectual property from foreign companies.
The law is both extremely vague and exceptionally wide in scope, potentially putting companies at risk of regulatory enforcement that is not related to cyber security,” said Carly Ramsey, associate director at Control Risks, a risk-management consultancy.
风险管理咨询公司“化险咨询”(Control Risks)副总监卡莉?拉姆齐(Carly Ramsey)说:“这部法律管辖的范围非常模糊、又特别广泛,有可能让企业面临与网络安全无关的监管执法风险。”
Foreign companies had petitioned Beijing to delay the legislation. “It is vitally important that [these measures are] proportionate, consistent, non-discriminatory and formulated in a transparent manner. Regretfully, this is not yet the case,” said Michael Chang, vice-president of the European Chamber of Commerce in Beijing.
外国公司曾请求中国政府推迟此项立法。中国欧盟商会(EU Chamber of Commerce in China)在北京的副主席常疆(Michael Chang)说:“至关重要的是,(这些法律应当是)适当的、自洽的、非歧视的,制定过程要透明。遗憾的是,它还达不到这样的标准。”
The law is part of a drive by Beijing to shield Chinese data from the eyes of foreign governments after US whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed that the US was spying on communications from multinationals, say analysts.
分析人士表示,在美国告密者爱德华?斯诺登(Edward Snowden)爆料称美国监听跨国公司通信之后,这部法律是中国政府为防止中国数据被外国政府窥探而作出的努力的一部分。
The message is clear that the government will encourage more domestic development of technology, and that it now sees privacy and cyber security as vital national concerns,” said Xun Yang, a lawyer at Simmons & Simmons in Shanghai.
西盟斯律师事务所(Simmons & Simmons)驻上海律师杨迅表示:“此举传达的信息很明确,中国政府将鼓励加大本土科技开发,而且中国如今将隐私和网络安全视为至关重要的国家关切。”
Under the new law, companies must introduce data protection measuresa novelty for many Chinese businessesand data relating to the countrys citizens or national security must be held on Chinese servers. Companies will have to submit to a review by regulators before transferring large amounts of personal data abroad.
However, “criticalcompaniesa widely drawn definition that encompasses sensitive entities such as power companies or banks but also any company holding data that, if breached, couldharm peoples livelihoods” — will have to store all data collected in China within the country.
These companies, and any services bought by them, must go through anational security reviewto ensure they and their data systems aresecure and controllable”.
The measure allows Beijing to request computer program source code, which is usually known only by the software developer.
National security reviews may also allow Beijing to delve into companiesintellectual property, analysts warn.
Even fast-food delivery companies could be considered critical infrastructure, Shanghai regulators ruled during a pilot run for the lawpresumably, analysts suggest, because they hold information on millions of users.
Multinationals will be hardest hit, as the data localisation measures prevent them pooling client data in cloud storage databases across the world. The need to store some data on China-based servers and the rest elsewhere will add to fragmentation and cost. ”Its huge work for foreign companies to restructure their business,” said Mr Yang.
Cloud storage companies are also affected. One lawyer said his foreign clients were switching data from Amazon Web Services in Singapore to Alibabas China cloud service.
Chinas own technology companies will themselves be hit. The bulk of Alibabas ecommerce takes place in China, but it has increasingly been setting up cloud data centres around the globe. “We comply with applicable laws in jurisdictions where we operate,” said Alibaba.
While the new law is causing angst in foreign boardrooms, the personal data privacy provisions are in line with worldwide practice, said Scott Thiel, partner at law firm DLA Piper in Hong Kong. For example, it accords with Europes General Data Protection Regulation, he said.
欧华律师事务所(DLA Piper)驻香港合伙人斯科特?蒂尔(Scott Thiel)表示,尽管这部新法正引起外资企业董事会的焦虑,个人数据隐私条款符合世界各地的惯例。他说,比如,该法与欧洲的《一般数据保护条例》(General Data Protection Regulation)一致。
But analysts suspect enforcement in China might be tinged with political goals.
A proposed supplementary law on encryption, published in April, allows the government to demanddecryption supportin the interests of national security. Effectively, this means the government can force companies to decode encrypted data.
In the US Apple refused to open [the San Bernardino shooters] iPhone for the FBI. I cannot imagine that happening in China,” said one lawyer.
“在美国,苹果(Apple)拒绝为联邦调查局(FBI)解锁(圣贝纳迪诺(San Bernardino)枪击案枪手的)iPhone。我无法想象这样的事情会在中国发生。”一名律师说。
Although the law makes no distinction between local and foreign businesses, Chinese companies are less concerned, say lawyers. They are less likely to use cloud services and have a smaller presence abroad, and those with overseas operations tend to send data back to their Chinese headquarters rather than taking any out of the country.
Domestic companies are also less bothered by legal vagueness, said Mr Yang. Foreign companies take laws literally, while their Chinese counterparts tend to tease out their overall messagein this case, that they must take cyber security seriouslyand wait for specific guidelines to be handed down by their industry regulator.


But they also know the law is not designed to cause trouble for local businesses.

The big banks are close to government and know they will be considered in the legislative process,” said Mr Yang. “The same goes for big technology companies like Alibaba.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
request [ri'kwest]


n. 要求,请求
vt. 请求,要求

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

suspect [səs'pekt]


n. 嫌疑犯
adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的<

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

espionage [.espiə'nɑ:ʒ]


n. 间谍活动

domestic [də'mestik]


adj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的
n. 家仆,

privacy ['praivəsi]


n. 隐私,隐居,秘密

tend [tend]


v. 趋向,易于,照料,护理

vulnerable ['vʌlnərəbl]


adj. 易受伤害的,有弱点的

definition [.defi'niʃən]


n. 定义,阐释,清晰度





