Facebook Inc pulled aside the curtain on a secretive unit headed by a former chief of the Pentagon's research arm, disclosing that the social media company is studying ways for people to communicate by thought and touch.
Regina Dugan, in charge of this secretive hardware division, Building 8, told developers at a conference in San Jose, Calif that the mind-reading technology could help people type 100 words a minute from their minds - about five times faster than we type from our smartphones.
雷吉娜·杜根是这个名为Building 8的神秘硬件部门的负责人。在加利福尼亚州圣何塞市举办的发布会上,她对开发人员表示,这项“读心术”可帮助人们在心里每分钟打出100字,比我们用智能手机打字要快5倍。
Separately, Building 8 also is working on technology that could help people "hear" with their skin.
另外,Building 8也在致力于研究帮忙人们通过皮肤“听音”的技术。
"It sounds impossible, but it's closer than you may realize," Dugan said.
Using brain implants, people can already type eight words a minute, she said. Facebook's goal, working with researchers at several U.S. universities, is to make the system non-invasive, as well as fast enough so that people can type 100 words a minute just by thinking.
Possible uses include helping disabled people and "the ability to text your friend without taking out your phone," she said.