You're good at your job
We all like to hear a little career encouragement, and I'm guessing men probably hear it more than women. So ladies, let's all encourage each other, and guys - don't be threatened, give us a little love in the workplace, too. (That love is figurative, not literal. No need to get HR involved.)
You're a good friend
We value our friendships, and we'd like to hear that you recognize and appreciate those bonds, too. So the next time your wife is being a supportive friend, let her know she's doing a good thing. You can even sing Queen's 'You're My Best Friend' for her, but don't try and hit the high notes because that will just annoy her.
You're a strong person
Flex your emotional muscles by appreciating your partner's strengths. Whether it's her strong political beliefs or her tenacity in the face of hardship, let her know her backbone is one of your favorite body parts.
You're a great mom
Kids are one of our greatest accomplishments, and moms can never hear often enough what a decent job we're doing bringing them up. So get out the good booze and get busy raising a glass to the mom who's raising your kids.
You're smart
It's 2017 and men are no longer afraid of smart women, right? Praise your wife's intellect to prove it! Show her that 'a beautiful mind' is not just the name of a movie or a saying on an t-shirt you got her at the mall kiosk.
You're talented
Does your wife juggle? Turn the tupperware drawer into a work of art? Then give her some kudos for those special talents of hers.
You're funny
Guys aren't the only ones who fantasize about being stand-up comedians. We're hella funny, and it would be great if you showed how much you appreciate our sense of humor. Laughing at our jokes once in awhile would make us love you even more. Now let me tell you the one about the duck who walked into a bar…