A generic targeted drug to treat cancer manufactured by a Chinese pharmaceutical company hit market recently.
The new gefitinib cancer-treating drug, whose Chinese commercial name is Yiruike, was produced by Qilu Pharmaceutical (Qilu).
Its release ends an almost decade-long monopoly by Iressa, developed by British multinational biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and introduced to China in 2005.

Yiruike was approved for marketing by the China Food and Drug Administration after Iressa's patent protection expired in April 2016, Qilu said.
Qilu's general manager Li Yan said Yiruike, at less than RMB2,000 a pack, is a fraction of the price of the previously available drug, meaning more people in need can be helped.
Gefitinib is a much-needed first line medicine used in targeted therapies against non-small-cell lung cancer, which accounts for about 80% of lung cancer cases in China.
Lung cancer kills more people than any other cancer in China. About 591,000 people die from lung cancer in China every year, according to the national cancer center. There are about 733,000 new cases every year.