We think we know what the signs of breast cancer are, until it comes to checking our own breasts - then we're not so sure.
Is that a lump I can feel? Should I be worried about the dimpled skin there? What exactly am I feeling for?
Those were the concerns of Corrine Beaumont, a young designer, who created the 'Know Your Lemons' campaign, which has been shared more than 32,000 times on Facebook in the past few days.
She lost both her grandmothers to breast cancer at the ages of 40 and 62 and when she found very little information on the signs of breast cancer to look out for, she felt compelled to come up with a solution.

Lemons became her stand-in metaphor for breasts as she tried to create a simple, visual way of showing what breast cancer symptoms can look and feel like.
Corrine describes the egg box of lemons as a playful, friendly image which might help women overcome their fear of the disease.
Many say 'Know Your Lemons' is clear and colourful - and gets an important message across that is often lost in a mass of words.
A recent survey of 1,000 women by charity Breast Cancer Care found that a third of women don't check their breast regularly for signs and symptoms of cancer.
While 96% know that a lump in the breast can be a symptom of cancer, more than a quarter did not know that an inverted nipple can be a symptom.