It goes way beyond the "do you want to have kids?" conversation.
1) What makes you feel loved?
It's a common mistake couples make: assuming that the way you show love to your partner is the same way he does. While everyone tends to fall into a category known as the "five love languages" — physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, and receiving gifts — it's not very common for two people in a relationship to have the same one as their top language.
That's why dateologist Tracey Steinberg, author of Flirt for Fun & Meet the One, says it's important to clear the air. "Often what makes one person feel loved is very different from someone else. Understanding what works for both of you will help you keep your connection strong and avoid bigger problems later on," she says.
约会专家特雷西·斯坦伯格是《调情和遇到唯一》(Flirt for Fun & Meet the One)一书的作者,因此她说道两人彼此坦诚是很重要的。“通常一个人感到被爱的时候另一个往往感受不到。找到适合你们俩的方式将有助于恋人的情感关系稳固,同时还会免去以后更大的麻烦,”她说道。

2) How much debt do you have?
It's a topic you think would be covered — credit card debt, student loans, etc. are all pretty important numbers to know seeing as, ya know, you take on the debt your partner has when you get hitched. But "it's one of the elephants in the room that isn't discussed, and I've seen it blindside couples all the time," says Fields. She describes it as often being treated like a don't ask, don't tell situation, but just like that policy was repealed, so should this one. "There's a lot of shame associated with money, but every fear that comes up or any conflict is an opportunity to create more intimacy and a stronger bond," adds Fields. "It's important to be able to say, 'Here's my truth, this is how much money I owe, let's make a plan together for tackling this.'"
Whatever you do, don't lie about the amount of debt you're in, even if it comes from a shameful place (ie: a gambling or shopping addiction). Fields says she's worked with people who are secretly $20-30,000 in debt; that's not a situation you want to put yourself in despite trying to shield your partner from less-than-ideal conditions.