'The Taliban obviously have the support of unseen forces,' said my father. 'But what's happening is not simple, and the more you want to understand the more complex it becomes.'
That year, 2008, the government even released Sufi Mohammad, the founder of the TNSM, from prison.
He was said to be more moderate than his son-in-law Fazlullah, and there was hope that he would make a peace deal with the government to impose sharia law in Swat and release us from Taliban violence.
My father was in favour of this.
We knew this would not be the end, but my father argued that if we had shariat the Taliban would have nothing more to fight for.
They should then put down their arms and live like ordinary men.
If they did not, he said, this would expose them for what they really were.
The army still had their guns trained on the mountains overlooking Mingora.
We would lie in bed listening to them boom boom all night.
They would stop for five, ten or fifteen minutes and then start again the moment we drifted off to sleep.
Sometimes we covered our ears or buried our heads under pillows, but the guns were close by and the noise was too loud to block out.
Then the morning after, on TV, we would hear of more Taliban killings and wonder what the army was doing with all its booming cannons and why they could not even stop the daily broadcasts on Mullah FM.