Although I've only seen part of one episode of the TV show "The Biggest Loser", I've been curious about the Biggest Loser Diet I've been hearing about. I was sure it is low in calories, but how were the calories distributed? In particular, did contestants cut down their carb intake? To aid me in my research, I took the description of the Biggest Loser Diet in Prevention magazine, and created menus for three different days of the diet.
I tried to choose menus that I thought would be typical when following the guidelines, and deliberately avoided making choices that were the highest or lowest in carbs in each category. Here's what I found out about the Biggest Loser Diet:

1) Calories: The diet has about 1100 calories per day
2) Carbohydrate: The menus I chose were between 88 and 120 grams of carbohydrate per day, which was between 42% and 53% of the calories. The diet does not allow any added sugar, refined grains, or potatoes, so most people would be eating a diet that is somewhat lower in carbs, and much less glycemic than the way most people eat.
3) Protein: The diet is relatively high in protein. The menus I chose were between 100 and 120 grams of protein per day, which was between 35% and 46% of the calories.
3)蛋白质:饮食中蛋白质相对较高,我选的菜单是蛋白质每天摄取100-120克, 等于摄取35%-46%的热量。
4) Fat: The diet is very low in fat. The highest fat day was the one where salmon was included; that one had 20 grams of fat at 16% of calories. Other days were around 12% fat.
4)脂肪:饮食中脂肪含量很低,每天最高的脂肪摄取量是一只鲑鱼含有的脂肪量;一只鲑鱼含 20克脂肪和16%的热量,其他天大约是12%的脂肪。