Yes, Jimmy Lin is back again. The famously tech loving Taiwanese pop star, who has a habit of leaking Apple's new iPhones has now appeared in public with the iPhone 7 Plus…
是的,林志颖又回来了。这位热爱科技的著名大众明星有着晒出新款iPhone的习惯。这次,他和iPhone7 Plus一起出现在公众面前。
The photo shows Lin in a cafe and the handset matches up exactly with what numerous leaks have repeatedly stated we should expect: an iPhone 6-inspired design with a dual camera system. What the angle can't confirm is the iPhone 7 range's most controversial omission or its most welcome upgrade.
But what really gets my attention here is Lin's track record. While there's undoubtedly an element of self publicity to Lin's iPhone antics, the popstar has been doing this for four years now and has never had a miss.
The stunts began in 2012 when Lin posed with an iPhone 5 on his Weibo page ahead of its release, then an iPhone 5C in 2013 and an iPhone 6 in 2014. With the latter Apple employees in Hong Kong even admitted Lin's iPhone 6 was legit.
Lin was conspicuous by his absence in 2015, but given the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus are visually identical to the iPhone 6 there was little to show off.
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The dual camera on the iPhone 7 Plus, however, makes it instantly recognisable. iPhone 7 Plus early prototype (left) and matching Feld and Volk render (right) tie in perfectly with Jimmy Lin's photo.
但是,iPhone7 Plus搭载的双镜头系统使其极具辨识度。iPhone 7 plus的早期样机(左图)和Feld And Volk的渲染(有图)与林志颖晒出的照片几乎一模一样。
Of course until Tim Cook is stood on stage with the new iPhones in his hand, nothing is 100% guaranteed.
But with the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus release date close, Lin's appearance is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence yet.