1. Brush for at least two minutes, twice daily, with a fluoridated toothpaste
1. 每天至少用含氟牙膏刷牙两次,每次刷两分钟。
2. Brush last thing at night and at least on one other occasion
2. 临睡前再刷牙。
3. Use a small headed toothbrush with medium bristles.
3. 最好用中等硬度刷毛的小头牙刷。
4. Put a pea-sized blob of fluoride toothpaste on your toothbrush.
4. 只需要挤豌豆大小的含氟牙膏在牙刷上。
5. Brush along the gum line as well as the teeth themselves
5. 刷牙齿之外也要沿着牙龈线刷一下。
6. Brush all surfaces of the teeth, including the outer, inner and chewing surfaces as well as the hard-to-reach back teeth and areas around fillings, crowns or other restorations.
6. 牙齿每一面都要清洁到,包括牙齿外面、里面和咀嚼面,别忘了刷难以够到的后槽牙和包括填充物和牙冠在内的修复牙体周围。
If you have spaces between teeth, it is best to clean these with an interdental or single-tufted brush. Where the spaces between teeth are too tight to fit such a brush, use dental floss or tape.
7. If you are unsure about the effectiveness of brushing, use disclosing tablets after brushing to highlight any areas you may have missed.
7. 如果刷牙后你还不放心,不妨用一点牙菌斑显露片,可以帮助你找到没刷干净的地方。