5.T.S. Eliot's Biggest Fan
Today, T.S. Eliot is one of the most famous poets of the 20th century, while Ezra Pound's works are only rarely read. But when the two met in 1914, Pound was far more popular and famous. Pound was a fan of Eliot's "The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock," which he described as "the best poem I have yet had or seen from an American." He soon took the younger man under his wing, forming one of the most unlikely friendships in literary history. Eliot was a somber and timid individual while Pound was an outrageously flamboyant troublemaker, an anti-Semite, and a fascist.

But Pound played a key role in Eliot's development, editing his work masterfully and arranging for it to be published in influential magazines. Pound even broke the news to Eliot's parents that their son was abandoning his career to become a poet. Without Pound, Eliot's masterpiece "The Waste Land" might still be known as "He Do The Police In Different Voices."In fact, Pound had a habit of mentoring promising young authors who later became famous, helping to popularize everyone from Ernest Hemingway to James Joyce. Hemingway estimated that Pound spent only a fifth of his time on his own work, dedicating the rest to helping his friends: "He defends them when they are attacked, he gets them into magazines and out of jail. He loans them money. He sells their pictures. He writes articles about them. He introduces them to wealthy women. He gets publishers to take their books . . . And in the end a few of them refrain from knifing him at the first opportunity." Hemingway himself refrained from knifing Pound until the depths of his deranged anti-Semitism became clear during World War II, causing the author to declare his former friend "obviously crazy. He deserves punishment and disgrace but what he really deserves most is ridicule."
但是对于艾略特作品的发行,庞德也发挥了重大的作用:熟练地帮他编辑作品,联系有影响力的杂志社并安排出版。庞德甚至向艾略特的父母透露,艾略特打算辞职当诗人。如果没有庞德,艾略特的大作《荒原》可能只叫做He Do The Police In Different Voices 这样让你陌生的名字。事实上,庞德经常指导有前途的年轻作家,从欧内斯特·海明威到詹姆斯·乔伊斯,都曾在他的帮助下成名。海明威曾估计,庞德只将自己五分之一的精力用在自己的工作上,而其他时间都在帮助朋友。海明威说:"在朋友受到攻击时,他挺身而出;他助其成名,免除牢狱之灾。不仅借钱给朋友,帮他们卖画,还为他们撰文。他还将他们介绍给贵妇,更是请出版商为他们出书……但是最后,却只有几个人选择不中伤他。"直到二战期间,庞德疯狂的反犹太人意识深入骨髓,表现得也愈加明显,海明威自己也不得不公开声称,他这位曾经的好友已经"明显就是疯了……他的作为让人感到羞耻,他就应该受到惩罚,而且最应该受到大家的奚落。"
4.Fitzgerald And Hemingway

Pound wasn't the only one to champion Hemingway during his early years. Arguably the greatest American writer in history might have remained completely unknown if not for the efforts of his friend and fellow author F. Scott Fitzgerald. The two first met in 1925, when Fitzgerald was already an acclaimed author and Hemingway was just a journalist with a handful of short stories and poems to his name. They quickly became close friends and Fitzgerald introduced Hemingway to his famous editor, Max Perkins.
The biggest help Fitzgerald offered Hemingway was editing his breakthrough work The Sun Also Rises, a novel about a dissolute group of American expatriates drifting from Paris to a bullfight in Spain. Perkins thought Hemingway's first draft was unpublishable and Fitzgerald agreed, writing a detailed 10-page critique of the book's "careless and ineffectual" aspects. He was particularly scathing about the opening chapter, declaring that "when so many people can write well [and] the competition is so heavy I can't imagine how you could have done these first 20 pages so casually." To his credit, Hemingway took the advice, cutting the first 16 pages of the book entirely and making substantial revisions elsewhere. However, he lied about the issue in his posthumously published memoir A Moveable Feast, which claims that Fitzgerald never saw the book until the final draft was with the publisher.
3.The American Who Fought For Castro

Besides Che Guevara and the Castro brothers, we're largely unfamiliar with the people who fought against the brutal Cuban regime of Fulgencio Batista. Which is a shame, considering that we're missing out on such amazing figures as William Alexander Morgan, the American who fought with Castro.
Born in 1928, Morgan left home as a teenager and joined the army at 18. After spending five years in jail for deserting, he got married and began running errands for the Mafia. In the 1950s, he became involved in smuggling guns to the revolutionaries fighting to overthrow Batista. Quickly becoming a believer in their cause, he joined their fight in 1957. Soon, Morgan rose through the ranks to become a comandante, a title only granted to one other foreigner, a certain Che Guevara.After the fall of Batista in 1959, Morgan arrived in Havana to chants of "Americano!" Although staunchly anti-Communist, he initially remained loyal to Fidel Castro, who was not openly Marxist at that time. When he was offered a million dollars to turn against Castro, he played along, broadcasting the sounds of a fake uprising to lure a squad of Dominican invaders into an ambush. But when Fidel began to display socialist leanings, he turned against him for real, arranging to smuggle weapons to a new rebel group opposing Castro. He was caught and executed in 1961.
2.Winston Churchill's Father Figure

Born in Ireland, William Bourke Cockran came to the US at the age of 17. Settling in New York, he became an eminent attorney, served five terms in Congress, and was widely declared the greatest public speaker of his time. His skills as an orator were so good Churchill himself described him as the best speaker he had ever heard, declaring that he had "never seen his like, or in some respects his equal."
Cockran apparently had a brief relationship with Churchill's mother after the death of her husband, and they remained close friends. When Churchill was a young man, he decided to visit the US and Cockran agreed to put him up in his luxurious New York townhouse. Cockran eventually became something of a father figure to Churchill, advising and mentoring him in the art of public speaking. Under Cockran's tutelage, Churchill began to take an interest in politics and began emulating Cockran's delivery pattern when addressing audiences. Churchill's early political and economic views were also modeled on Cockran's. Six years later, Churchill was elected to Parliament and became known for his own speaking skills.

Regarded by many as the most successful investor of the 20th century, Warren Buffett, the "Oracle of Omaha," is regularly ranked among the richest people in the world. But a big part in Buffett's success story belongs to his little-known friend, Charlie Munger. The two have been friends for almost 60 years and Munger has served as Buffett's second-in-command for the last 37. In a neat twist, Munger's first job was actually working for Buffet's grandfather at $1.98 an hour, although he didn't meet the younger Warren until years later.
Before meeting Munger, Buffett followed the investing philosophy of his mentor, Benjamin Graham, who believed in buying underpriced assets and quickly selling them when their true value became apparent. This netted Buffett a huge fortune in his early years, but Munger wasn't convinced it was the best way forward. Instead, he argued in favor of paying a fair price for good companies and then holding on to them as they grew, trusting that the long-term yields would justify the initial investment. It required patience and good management, but Munger argued that over time the profit margins would be even greater than Graham's short-term buy-to-sell strategy. Buffet found Munger's ideas strange at first, but eventually came to embrace them, writing that "it took a powerful force to move me on from Graham's limiting views. It was the power of Charlie's mind. He expanded my horizons." Munger's philosophy eventually yielded huge results, helping to turn Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway into one of the largest conglomerates in the world.