High levels of stress is as bad for your skin as being out in the sun without sufficient sun protection. Stress not only causes hormonal changes in both men and women, it may also affect your sleeping habits which in turn affects your skin condition.
2.Trying Different Skincare Products
According to Dr KK Chew, everyone has different skin types and problems, and lifestyle. The director of the Asian College of Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine adds: "What works for your friend may not work for you. Also if you are constantly changing products, you will not see any effect because skin repair through topical and non-invasive methods takes time. So find a product that works for you and stick to it. I have seen many patients who have skin problems try out every product they read about or whatever friends or family give them."
KK Chew博士的说法,每个人的皮肤类型、皮肤问题以及生活方式都不一样。这位亚洲大学的美学和再生医学主任补充说道:“对你朋友有用的产品对你未必有效,而且如果你不断地换用不同的产品,你可能会看不到任何效果。因为皮肤通过局部的和非侵入性的修复需要花费时间。所以要找到一种适合你的产品并坚持使用。我曾经遇到很多有皮肤问题的患者,他们就是尝试了自己所知道的或者亲人给过的所有护肤产品。”

3.Being Afraid To Consult A Doctor
Some people have severe medical skin conditions but often wait too long before they approach a doctor. There seem to be a level of embarrassment in approaching a doctor, and many would try to 'self-medicate', which can make things worse. Some skin problems might be skin-deep and can be a symptom of something more serious. Do not wait until it is too late. There is no shame in consulting a doctor.
As the saying goes, "There is no such thing as an ugly person, just a lazy one". Jane is a 30-year-old avid runner who is always out in the sun in the mornings and working late into the night. She takes great care of her health and fitness, but tends to neglect her skin because she is either too busy or tired. She says: "I simply got lazy when it came to taking care of my skin. There wasn't a four or five-step skincare regime that I did. I would only wash my face with a facial cleanser. I would skip skincare steps when I am tired and because of that, my skincare products tend to expire before I even finish them."
5.Being Thoroughly Misinformed On Aesthetic Procedures
Many people have the misconception about semi-invasive procedures. For instance, they believe that dermal filler injections would alter their appearance dramatically, or make them look "plastic" or unrecognisable. However, a responsible doctor who is competent and qualified in aesthetic procedures would instead look to enhance your facial contours and make your skin look more youthful.