A kitten has been born with eyes so big he is unable to close them when he sleeps and has a permanently startled expression.
Five-month-old cat Herman lives with his doting owner Shirley in the Danish capital Copenhagen and acts like any other pet.
However, his massive bulbous eyes are so big that he cannot completely close his eyelids - even when he is sleeping.
However luckily for Shirley, tiny Herman snores, clearly indicating when he's having a snooze.
Shirley said: 'The first time I met Herman, he was instantly jumping up on me and decided to sit on my shoulder purring. The choice was easy for me. Even though he was significantly smaller and had that peculiar look, I decided that I had to make sure that he and I would have a fantastic time together.'
His owner added: "Herman is always following me from room to room. 'There is literally no privacy left since I got Herman - whether I am sleeping, cooking dinner or even going to the bathroom, Herman is always around.'
But despite his unique appearance, Herman is like any other kitten and is happiest playing with his favourite shoelace or one of Shirley's shoes.
The quirky kitten is adored by both his owner and his growing Instagram fan base, which has given him the nickname 'Hermie'.