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悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第145

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

But the state no less than art dipped into this current of the timeless to find rest in it from the burden and the greed of the moment.

And any people--just as, incidentally, also any individual--is worth only as much as it is able to press upon its experiences the stamp of the eternal; for thus it is, as it were, desecularized and shows its unconscious inward convictions of the relativity of time and of the true, that is metaphysical, significance of life.
The opposite of this happens when a people begins to comprehend itself historically and to smash the mythical works that surround it. At that point we generally find a decisive secularization, a break with the unconscious metaphysics of its previous existence, together with all its ethical consequences.
Greek art and pre-eminently Greek tragedy delayed above all the destruction of myth. One hadto destroy tragedy, too, in order to be able to live away from the soil of home, uninhibited, in the wilderness of thought, custom, and deed.
Even now this metaphysical drive still tries to create for itself a certainly attenuated form of transfiguration, in the Socratism of science that strives for life; but on the lower steps, this same drive led only to a feverish search that gradually lost itself in a pandemonium of myths and superstitions that were collected from all over and piled up in confusion: nevertheless the Greek sat among them with an unstilled heart until he learned to mask this fever with Greek cheerfulness and Greek frivolity, becoming a Graeculus [A contemptuous term for a Greek.], or he numbed his mind completely in some dark Oriental superstition.
Since the reawakening of Alexandrian-Roman antiquity in the fifteenth century we have approximated this state in the most evident manner, after a long interlude that is difficult to describe.
On the heights we encounter the same overabundant lust for knowledge, the same unsatisfied delight in discovery, the same tremendous secularization, and beside it a homeless roving, a greedy crowding around foreign tables, a frivolous deification of the present, or a dully dazed retreat--everything sub specie saeculi [Under the aspect of the times, or the spirit of the age.], of the "present age."
And these same symptoms allow us to infer the same lack at the heart of this culture, the destruction of myth.
It scarcely seems possible to be continuously successful at transplanting a foreign myth without irreparably damaging the tree by this transplantation. In one case it may perhaps be strong and healthy enlugh to eliminate this foreign element in a terrible fight; usually, however, it must consume itself, sick and withered or in diseased superfoetation.
We think so highly of the pure and vigorous core of the German character that we dare to expect of it above all others this elimination of the forcibly implanted foreign elements, and consider it possible that the German spirit will return to itself.
Some may suppose that this spirit must begin its fight with the elimination of everything Romanic.If so they may recognize an external preparation and encouragement in the victorious fortitude and bloody glory of the last war; but one must still seek the inner necessity in the ambition to be always worthy of the sublime champions on this way, Luther as well as our great artists and poets.
But let him never believe that he could fight similar fights without the gods of his house, or his mythical home, without "bringing back" all German things!
And if the German should hesitantly look around for a leader who might bring him back again into his long lost home whose ways and paths he scarcely knows anymore, let him merely listen to the ecstatically luring call of the Dionysian bird that hovers above him and wants to point the way for him.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
decisive [di'saisiv]


adj. 决定性的

pandemonium [pændi'məʊniəm]


n. 混战场,喧哗吵闹

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激

frivolous ['frivələs]


adj. 轻佻的,妄动的,琐碎的 adj. 无足轻重的

core [kɔ:]


n. 果心,核心,要点
vt. 挖去果核

ethical ['eθikəl]


adj. 道德的,伦理的,民族的

greed [gri:d]


n. 贪心,贪婪

interlude ['intəlju:d]


n. 中间,中间时间,介在中间的事件

fever ['fi:və]


n. 发烧,发热,狂热
v. (使)发烧,(使





