A man in the US said strangers started lingering outside of his home with at least five people knocking on his door.
The first suit against game makers Niantic, Nintendo, and The Pokemon Company seeks class action status for others who have had Pokemon stops and gyms placed on their property.
这是第一起针对《Pokemon Go》游戏制造商Niantic、任天堂和宝可梦公司的诉讼,目前这起诉讼正在寻求集体诉讼,号召那些自家住宅被《Pokemon Go》设立为站点和道馆的人们加入到这起诉讼中来。
Pokemon Go is an augmented reality game on smartphones which has millions of people worldwide obsessively capturing small creatures in public spaces. Released on 6 July, the smartphone game has become a global phenomenon.
Pokemon Go》是一款手机增强现实游戏,全球数以百万计的玩家像着了魔一样地在公共场合抓那些小精灵。发行于7月6日的这款手机游戏现在已经成为了一个全球现象。

The lawsuit accuses the defendants of having "shown a flagrant disregard for the foreseeable consequences of populating the real world with virtual Pokemon without seeking the permission of property owners."
Unlike most smartphone games, it requires players to walk around in their hunt, leading to official requests around the world for people to be kept away from locations for safety or sensitivity reasons.
和大多数手机游戏不同,《Pokemon Go》要求玩家们绕着他们猎物走动,因此导致全世界政府要求玩家们不要靠近那些涉及安全和保密问题的地点。
A number of locations, such as the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in Japan have asked to be removed from Pokemon Go. The US Holocaust Memorial Museum has asked people not to play Pokemon Go on their phones during their visit.
包括日本的广岛和平纪念公园在内的许多地方都要求将其从《Pokemon Go》的地图上删去。美国大屠杀纪念馆也要求人们在参观的时候不要在手机上玩《Pokemon Go》。
The former concentration camp of Auschwitz, where millions of people were murdered by the Nazis, has also banned the game
Pokemon Go》。