The meat industry has long been linked to animal suffering and harmful effects on the environment – but for meat-lovers, saying goodbye to chicken wings or a juicy hamburger isn't always an easy decision.
Now, a new IndieGogo campaign claims to have found a cruelty-free solution – and it doesn't require giving up your favourite foods.
Israeli startup 'SuperMeat' is working to develop a way to grow 'meal-ready' meat in the lab using tissue samples from a chicken, with hopes real animal meat can one day be mass produced without actually harming any animals.

According to the campaign, 'cultured meat' can be healthier, more humane, and could even help to fight world hunger.
While it's early in the development process, SuperMeat says its product is expected to cost just $5 per pound, according to Gizmag.
The startup's cultured meat would use a small tissue sample from a chicken, collected without harming the animal, they say.
These cells would be grown and duplicated in a 'nutrient soup,' allowing them to form tissues and eventually, actual meat. It wouldn't just taste like chicken – it is chicken, without the negative impacts, they argue.
The campaign argues that cultured meat could one day revolutionize the industry, helping to reduce carbon emissions and increase food safety around the world.