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Investors fleeing the yield-parched debt markets of the developed world are being forced to explore some unfamiliar frontiers, including China’s huge domestic bond market.


But how much exoticism is acceptable as a trade-off for higher yields? Chinese government bonds, backed by strong ratings from international rating agencies, are considered safe enough by some (see first chart). The 10-year bond is currently yielding 2.82 per cent, eclipsing the welter of negative-yielding issues around the developed world.


But how about buying a piece of the $2tn in debt issued by one of the world’s most indebted corporate sectors as default rates surge and domestic credit rating agencies continue to claim that everything is just fine?


Jeffrey Qi, portfolio manager at E-Fund, one of China’s largest asset managers with $150bn under management, says there are attractive returns to be had for yield refugees from Europe and elsewhere as long as they play by Chinese rules.

易方达(E Fund)投资组合经理Jeffrey Qi表示,只要按照中国规则行事,来自欧洲和其他地区的收益“难民”就会获得可观收益。易方达是中国最大的资产管理公司之一,旗下管理着1500亿美元的资产。

“There have been several credit events in China this year, but our fund has not been hit by any of them,” Mr Qi said. The company’s RMB Bond Fund had returned an annualised 7.1 per cent since inception in 2012 and an annualised 3.5 per cent so far this year, he said. About 80 per cent of the fund is invested in corporate bonds.

Jeffrey Qi表示:“中国今年出了数起信用事件,但我们的基金没有遭受冲击。”他说,易方达的人民币债券基金自2012年成立以来获得了7.1%的年化收益率,今年迄今的年化收益率为3.5%。该基金大约80%的资金投资于企业债券。

He puts the performance down to a healthy scepticism towards China’s Panglossian domestic credit rating agencies, which have awarded an investment grade rating to 99.5 per cent of all rated publicly issued debt outstanding.


“We have our own internal rating system for the companies that we invest in,” Mr Qi added. “There is a big difference between our ratings and those of the domestic ratings companies.”

Jeffrey Qi补充称:“对于我们所投资的公司,我们有自己的内部评级系统。我们的评级与国内评级公司的评级有很大区别。”

E-Fund’s internal ratings are much less sparing of corporate egos than those of its rating agency counterparts, with many “junk” ratings awarded according to a 22-notch scale. The fund’s skill lies in using on-the-ground research to assess a company’s viability beyond its published financial figures, Mr Qi said.

易方达的内部评级系统比评级机构更为严格——按照其22档的评级制度,许多企业债属于“垃圾”级别。Jeffrey Qi表示,其技巧在于根据实地研究、而不只是公开发布的财务数据来评估一家公司的生存能力。

Nevertheless, the idea of snapping up pieces of corporate Chinese debt is not proving to be an easy sell overseas. For one thing, the depreciation of the renminbi currency against the US dollar since mid-April has taken the shine off renminbi-denominated investments.


For another, there is concern over the lack of transparency among Chinese corporations and the failing finances of many local governments, which are prevalent owners of debt-issuing companies.


“What you are likely going to see is selective defaults over the coming years,” said Peter Kinsella, head of emerging market research at Commerzbank in London. “Effectively this problem is so large that you are likely to see a zombiefication of the state-owned enterprise sector in China with huge amounts of debt and non-performing debt.”

德国商业银行(Commerzbank)驻伦敦的新兴市场研究主管彼得•金塞拉(Peter Kinsella)表示:“今后几年你可能看到的是选择性的违约。实际上这是个很大的问题,你可能看到中国背负巨额债务和不良贷款的国企部门僵尸化。”

When it comes to the idea of buying bonds issued by local government financing vehicles (LGFVs) — companies that raise debt to invest in local government projects — Mr Kinsella gives clear warnings.


“No one is going to be interested in local government bonds in China — you could buy Russia 10-year bonds giving you 9.5 per cent in local currency or 4 per cent in dollar bonds,” Mr Kinsella said.


“Local governments have an issue because most of their revenue streams were derived from property sales and that is going to be an issue,” he added. ”There could be local interest for sure, but if you are trying to push local government bonds outside China I think that will be a hard sell.”


The yields offered by local government bonds are somewhat higher than those on central government bonds but opinions diverge on whether or not local governments and their subsidiary LGFVs enjoy an implicit guarantee from Beijing.


Anthony Chan, Asian Sovereign Strategist at AllianceBernstein in Hong Kong, sees plenty of opportunities in the Chinese bond market. He said he expects Chinese bonds to be included in international bond indices at an unspecified date after which overseas funds may flow in.

联博有限公司(AllianceBernstein)驻香港的亚洲主权策略师陈祖杰(Anthony Chan)认为中国债券市场存在大量机会。他说,中国债券不一定哪一天就会被纳入国际债券指数,到时就会有海外资金流入。

JPMorgan, an investment bank, said in February that some $430bn in Chinese bonds could join its widely followed GBI-EM index once certain regulatory hurdles were scrapped. One impediment to entry was a minimum three-month holding period imposed on investors and monthly withdrawal limits, JPMorgan has said.

投行摩根大通(JPMorgan)今年2月表示,一旦消除特定监管障碍,约有4300亿美元的中国债券可能纳入其被广泛跟踪的新兴市场政府债券指数(GBI EM)。摩根大通表示,一个纳入障碍是投资者最低3个月的锁定期以及每月的赎回限额。

“We still see the Chinese bond market as very attractive,” Mr Chan said. “If investors take the view that the euro will weaken over time, it would be a strategic decision to allocate a certain amount into the renminbi asset class because it will be in the global index anyway.”


“Mostly government bonds are attracting investors,” Mr Chan said. “For corporate bonds, they need to have a more meaningful rating because now the domestic rating agencies all give triple A.”


Mr Chan also said those corporate bonds that enjoy an implicit government guarantee were fairly attractive at a time when default risks are rising. Deciding which companies — beyond a phalanx of 106 centrally owned state-owned enterprises — can claim such a guarantee is, however, a nuanced business.


The default in the northeastern province of Liaoning of Dongbei Special Steel, which is majority-owned by provincial authorities, provides a case in point. The company has defaulted seven times on bond principal and interest payments worth Rmb4.8bn ($715m), challenging the notion that province-level state companies shelter under a government guarantee.

中国东北辽宁省东北特钢(Dongbei Special Steel)的违约就是很好的一个例子——东北特钢由省政府部门持有多数股权。该公司已出现7次债券违约,未能偿还48亿元人民币(合7.15亿美元)的本金和利息,让省级国企有政府担保的想法不攻自破。

Still, even with such problems, Mr Qi is confident of the China bond market’s performance. “We should perform a lot better than bond funds concentrated on Europe this year,” he said.

此外,即便存在上述问题,Jeffrey Qi仍对中国债券市场有信心。他说:“今年我们的表现应该比集中部署于欧洲的债券基金好得多。”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

corporate ['kɔ:pərit]


adj. 社团的,法人的,共同的,全体的

junk [dʒʌŋk]


n. 垃圾,废旧杂物,中国平底帆船
vt. 丢

shelter ['ʃeltə]


n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护
v. 庇护,保护,

allocate ['æləkeit]


vt. 分派,分配,分配额



n. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金

viability [.vaiə'biliti]


n. 生存能力,发育能力,可行性

property ['prɔpəti]


n. 财产,所有物,性质,地产,道具

subsidiary [səb'sidiəri]


adj. 辅助的,附属的 n. 子公司,附属机构

selective [si'lektiv]


adj. 选择的,选择性的


关键字: 中国债券 债券基金




