Q. What if a rainstorm dropped all of its water in a single giant drop?
——Michael McNeill
A. IT'S MIDSUMMER IN KANSAS. The air is hot and heavy. Two old-timers sit on the porch in rocking chairs.
On the horizon to the southwest, ominous-looking clouds begin to appear. The towers build as they draw closer, the tops spreading out into an anvil shape.
They hear the tinkling of wind chimes as a gentle breeze picks up. The sky begins to darken.
Air holds water. If you walled off a column of air, from the ground up to the top of the atmosphere, and then cooled the column of air down, the moisture it contained would condense out as rain. If you collected the rain in the bottom of the column, it would fill it to a depth of anywhere between zero and a few dozen centimeters. That depth is what we call the air's total precipitable water (TPW).
Normally, the TPW is 1 or 2 centimeters.
Satellites measure this water vapor content for every point on the globe, producing some truly beautiful maps.
We'll imagine our storm measures 100 kilometers on each side and has a high TPW content of 6 centimeters. This means the water in our rainstorm would have a volume of:
That water would weigh 600 million tons (which happens to be about the current weight of our species). Normally, a portion of this water would fall, scattered, as rain-at most, 6 centimeters of it.
In this storm, all that water instead condenses into one giant drop, a sphere of water over a kilometer in diameter. We'll assume it forms a couple of kilometers above the surface, since that's where most rain condenses.
The drop begins to fall.