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People using ad-blocking software who visited the The New York Times website in March were shown a message. This read: “The best things in life arent free”. It went on to explain thatadvertising helps us fund our journalismand gave the visitor two options to read the newspapers online content: disable their ad-blocking software or pay for a subscription.

3月份,那些访问《纽约时报》(New York Times)网站时使用广告拦截软件的人们看到了这样一则消息:“生活中最美好的事物都不是免费的”。接着它解释道“广告资助着我们的报道”。随后,该网站给访问者两个选择去阅读报纸的线上内容:禁用他们的广告拦截软件或为订阅付费。

Many angry internet users took to sites such as Twitter and Reddit to vent their frustrations: “Its not OK to show me ads that detract from your website design and make it ugly,” said one. Others argued that ads were more than just an irritation as they could compromise user privacy and security.


Despite this opposition, the newspaper is pressing ahead with plans to block the blockers. Dozens of other global media companies are preparing to do the same to protect their online revenues from the rapid and unrelenting rise of ad blocking.


PageFair, a company that helps publishers overcome ad-blocking software, had estimated that more than 200m people now use some form of blocker on their laptop or desktop computers, as do more than 420m of the worlds 1.8bn smartphone users.


For years, there was little publishers could do about people using programs such as Adblock Plus and uBlock Origin, which are free to download and highly effective at eliminating ads from web pages. In most cases, the software works by blocking communication between a web browser and ablacklistof internet addresses that are known to serve ads. As a second line of attack, blocking software can also prevent the browser from executing certain types of code associated with ads. However, there is an Achilles heel: blockers cannot work if a website serves both ads and content from a single computer server and shields both using techniques such as encryption. In such circumstances, ad blocking software cannot block the ads without also blocking the content.

多年来,对于人们使用Adblock PlusuBlock Origin这类程序,出版商无能为力,这些程序都是免费下载的,并能非常有效地消除来自网页的广告。大多数情况下,这类软件会阻止浏览器连接到一系列已知的投放广告的网址,这些网址被列入一份“黑名单”中。作为第二道防线,拦截软件还能阻止浏览器执行与广告相关的某些类型的代码。然而,有一个致命弱点:如果某网站由一个计算机服务器同时提供广告和内容,并用加密之类的技术保护两者,拦截软件就无法奏效。这种情况下,广告拦截软件就不能只屏蔽广告而不屏蔽内容。

A flurry of start-upsincluding Sourcepoint and Secret Medianow offer publishers ways to circumvent ad-blocking software.

一系列初创企业——包括SourcepointSecret Media——现在均面向出版商提供规避广告拦截软件的方案。

Another of these, Oriel, in June launched an anti-ad-blocking tool for WordPress, the content management system and blogging platform used by more than 60m websites. This will allow small bloggers as well as large media companies to take action against blocker software.


Aidan Joyce, chief executive of Oriel, says: “Ad-blocking technology is a blunt instrument which, by default, makes no differentiation between poor and quality advertising. Most ad-blocking users do not object to a reasonable advertising experience in return for quality free content.”

Oriel的首席执行官艾丹•乔伊斯(Aidan Joyce)说:“广告拦截技术十分粗暴,基于默认,它对劣质和优质的广告不加区分。多数广告拦截软件的使用者并不会反对阅览适当的广告来换取免费高质量内容。”

The New York Times found in its March experiment that more than 40 per cent of adblock users agreed towhitelistthe websitethereby allowing ads to appear on their screensso they could see the content.


Mark Thompson, the groups chief executive, said at a conference in June: “No one who refuses to contribute to the creation of high-quality journalism has the right to consume it. We are not there yet but, if we judge that it will strengthen the long-term prospects of that journalism to prevent non-subscribers who employ ad blockers and refuse to whitelist us from reading it, well do it.”

《纽约时报》首席执行官马克•汤普森(Mark Thompson)在6月份的一个会议上说:“拒绝为创作高质量的报道做出贡献的人没有权利消费它。我们还没有不让那些使用广告拦截软件、并拒绝将我们列入白名单的非订阅用户阅读我们的报道,但是,如果我们断定这样做会增进新闻事业的长远发展,我们就会这样做。”

To cater for people who hate advertising, the news organisation plans to introduce a higher-priced, advertisement-free subscription.


Ben Barokas, chief executive of Sourcepoint, predicts that most publishers will have adopted some kind of technology to circumvent ad blockers by 2020. In his view, media groups should offer consumers a range of different ways to access content, including for-free with ads, micropayments and subscriptions.

Sourcepoint的首席执行官本•巴罗卡斯(Ben Barokas)预言,到2020年多数出版商将采用某种规避广告拦截软件的技术。他认为,传媒集团应提供给消费者一系列不同的方法去获取内容,包括带广告免费阅读、微支付阅读及付费订阅。

Ad blocking is a canary in the coal mine for the media industry to be more transactional and more transparent in its relationship with consumers,” Mr Barokas says.


However, Sean Blanchfield, chief executive of PageFair, argues that publishers need to exercise care in how they use ad-blocker circumvention technology. He warns that such technology should not be used to preserve the status quo.

然而,PageFair的首席执行官西恩•布兰奇菲尔德(Sean Blanchfield)认为,对于如何运用规避广告拦截软件的技术,出版者需格外谨慎。他警告说这种技术不应用于维持现状。

Users have fundamental, legitimate concerns,” he says. “Ads that are served today have serious privacy and security problems.”


Mr Blanchfield says that PageFair aims to help publishersredefine the advertising experience in a way that the typical ad-block user wouldnt find objectionable”.


He argues that publishers who fail to improve the ads they serve will alienate people and drive them towards platforms such as Facebook.


Publishers that ban ad blockers also risk losing their audience to rivals that take a more permissive stance. In some ways that matters little, since ad-block users do not generate ad revenues. But this argument ignores the fact that internet users are not just passive consumers; they often help distribute a publishers content by sharing links with friends through email, forums and social media.


More than half of UK adults using an ad blocker said they would switch it off if doing so was the only way to access a website, according to a survey by YouGov for the Interactive Advertising Bureau. But 39 per cent said they would not disable their ad blocker for any site.

舆观(YouGov)为美国互动广告局(Interactive Advertising Bureau)所做的一份调查显示,在使用广告拦截软件的英国成年人中,有超过半数的人表示,如果关闭拦截软件是访问某网站的唯一办法,那他们会关掉它。但也有39%的人说他们不会为任何网站禁用自己的广告拦截软件。

Meanwhile, Swedens biggest publishers will join forces next month to call the ad blockersbluff. In a month-long experiment the publishers will collectively block people who use ad blocking software. The idea is that by acting en masse, they will be able to turn the ad-blocking tide.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
refuse [ri'fju:z]


v. 拒绝
n. 垃圾,废物

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

privacy ['praivəsi]


n. 隐私,隐居,秘密

fundamental [.fʌndə'mentl]


adj. 基本的,根本的,重要的
n. 基本原

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

preserve [pri'zə:v]


v. 保存,保留,维护
n. 蜜饯,禁猎区

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

consume [kən'sju:m]


v. 消耗,花费,挥霍

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

cater ['keitə]


v. 备办食物,迎合,满足


关键字: 新闻媒体 广告拦截




