China's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has adopted a new method of calculating GDP that it says "better reflects the contribution of innovation to economic growth."
Research and development expenditures that can economically benefit companies will no longer be calculated as intermediate consumption, but as fixed capital formation, the NBS said in a statement.
The adjustment was made according to the 2008 SNA (System of National Accounts), which was unveiled by five international organizations, including the United Nations.

The NBS will use the method for future GDP calculations, and has also recalculated all figures dating back to 1952.
GDP for the previous six decades rose due to the reform. In the past decade, the average annual increase in GDP volume due to the adjustment was 1.06%.
The growth rate for 2015 remained at 6.9%, revised upward by 0.04 percentage point.
In recent years, China has promoted science, technology and creative development, with rapid growth in research and development expenditures and an increasingly important role to economic growth.
At present, most member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and some developing countries use the 2008 SNA framework to calculate research and development expenditures.
For the world's second largest economy, reforming the GDP calculation method according to the same framework will bring China's GDP figures more in line with those of other countries, the NBS said.